Autoboquet problem

There is 1 reply in this Thread which was already clicked 432 times. The last Post () by choppa.

  • Ok i have been trying to install ondemand onto my box i have managed to do it by manually adding the dependencies in. So then i transferred the files to anohter box to make sure i did it right but in the process i think i may of overwritten some files in /lib/ on the other different model box.

    Now when i try to go on autobouquet i and hit start i get errors wget could not connect to etc
    I have tried to change the file inside autoboquet plugin folder but does not make a difference just changes the error codes.

    So the question is which file does autobouquet use to grab its new data. And could someone kindly pastebin or send me the file or content.


  • Ok i found the part i need to change in the autoboquet enigma2 folder inside the file

    Here is what i see fwget(){
    wget -q -O -$1

    I believe that to be the issue as its pointing back at it self could someone check there working autoboquet folder and tell us whether there is pointing elsewhere

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