How to convert settings from E2 to format PrismCube and E2

  • How to convert settings from E2 to format PrismCube and E2.

    1} First, make sure that the settings are correctly formatted E2 must have all satellite.xml bouquet and files .
    Copy all the files to a folder named " enigma2 " and then send the folder to the / tmp directory on PrismCube .
    2} , press MENU , and then tap BH Tools
    In this menu, you can see two options :
    - Import settings E2
    E2 - Export settings

    I} Import Settings E2

    Settings ia } Select Import E2 , if the settings are not correct format (ie tmp/enigma2 directory ) you will get an error message.
    If all is well this PrismCube begin work on converting the settings , it can take an average of 10-15 minutes, but it was clear that more than 45 minutes , with a full list of settings motorized .
    I.B } When in the course you will see the information
    After completion of konwersjiPrismCube update the channel list
    C } You will be prompted to restart PrismCube to reload those changes
    C } Now, the new settings are ready to work on new PrismCube

    II } Settings Export E2
    ILa } This menu gives you the ability to convert to a format settings PrismCube Enigma2 , so you can use the setup channels such as dbedit , dreamset etc.
    The converted files will be found / tmp / export_settings
    ILb } Choose the export settings E2 will be asked to confirm that you want to start converting now , and say that it wil take about 10-20 minutes to convert
    II.c } After using the ftp program and go to the directory / tmp / export_settings .
    Copy the folder to your computer and edit with channel configuration favorite bouquets .

  • master G

    Added the Label Article

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