client registration form

There are 11 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 915 times. The last Post () by nano.

  • Hello all :) , maybe its wrong section, but sorry for that,
    i am searching for a user registration form, i want to register all my clients that i have in oscam,
    is there any method on how to do it , any web template. i want all just like oscan, create new user , expiry date :) ?

  • Hello all :) , maybe its wrong section, but sorry for that,
    i am searching for a user registration form, i want to register all my clients that i have in oscam,
    is there any method on how to do it , any web template. i want all just like oscan, create new user , expiry date :) ?

    Your post is alarming to say the least mate but i,m not sure if i understand what you are asking to be fair....

    What exactly do you mean by registration/register of users?


  • i want to collect informations about clients like this :

    Name Surname username password expiry date phone location

    1. John michael John_M 4392fvm 24.04.2014 355-444-6666 TX
    2. ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- --
    3.---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- --
    4. ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- --

    I dont know any excel form, or website template, is there any awailable Form ? Thank you

  • Why on earth would you need to extract such sensitive information? as nirmies says it looks like you defo are searching on the wrong forum.


  • no, this is not a wrong forum, its a oscam Discussion... i have about 350 Clients connected to my OScam Server, but i want to save some info ,for identifying some users :) but thanks for your HELP :)

  • no, this is not a wrong forum, its a oscam Discussion... i have about 350 Clients connected to my OScam Server, but i want to save some info ,for identifying some users :) but thanks for your HELP :)

    Cool...signed your own suicide note there dude...350 clients...yeeeehhhhaaaaaaaaaa

    Goodnight Vienna !

  • What they are saying is from your post`s your most likely to be a payserver this site does not condone or offer support for people who use or run any kind of payserver,you have been a member of this site since March 2012 and as such you should already know this sites stance on payserver activity.I would normally point you in the direction of the rules but i have a feeling it may well be to late for you v1russ.

    Almost 350 Lol, :(


  • Payserver scum like you v1russ is not welcome here. Its because of Parasites like you that we will soon be losing 5ky UK,

    Get the message Parasite Payserver Scum like yourself is not and will never be welcome here.

    Just in case anyone is wondering V1russ appears to be from Albania.

    Thread Closed

    Edited once, last by nano ().

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