smartreader V2 problem

There are 2 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,603 times. The last Post () by nni00288.

  • I baught a smargo smartreader V2 from Satboy.Trying to assaign a serial number.Ive tried windows7 and Ubuntu.Several diffrent pcs.
    On windows7 the smargo is recognised by windows and driver is installed.It shows up Usbserialport.
    Starting up smartreaderupdate v.10.It finds the smarego on comx.Pressing update Im adviced to remove the smargo.Then to insert it.Smartreaderupdate v10
    is idle without the update alternativ showing.After some time the update alternativ shows again.Is it updated now?
    Starting smartreader2settings v10 it finds the smargo on comx entering device = SRv2;Serial:bla123.Save 1 of 2 things happens.Eiter I get a write error or the prog hangs.
    According to the instructions I shold :
    Assign a name to your smartreader under windows
    *start selection editor
    *fill out new name and save settings
    *select in the device manager: Universal Serial Bus-controllers
    *double click USB Serial Converter
    *remove and insert smartreader
    *select advanced tab
    *remove and insert smartreader
    *select VCP (selection is not visible!)
    *remove and insert smartreader

    all of wich I understan except:
    select VCP (selection is not visible!)

    How can I select something that isnt visible?

    Under Ubuntu:
    smartreader2update finds smargo and confirms latest firmware 1.3
    smartreader2tool cant find the smargo

    contacting Satboy wasnt verry helpfull.The response from them was:
    the smartreader isn’t faulty. Else it wouldn’t be recognized in Linux and Windows.
    You do firmwareupdates on your own risk. If there went something wrong you’ve lost your warranty.

    Nowhere on their site or on Argos for that matter is any mentioning of any loss of warrenty using the tools provided by Argos.

    I surly will do my shopping elswhere in the future

    Anyone with any sollution?

  • An update.
    Argolis had no problem at all replacing the Smargo.Some people take care of their customers others givs you a lod of horsecrap.

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