DM800HD Clone refuses ftp of Bouquets; cannot change attribute to write of etc

There are 7 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,535 times. The last Post () by anniman.

  • Could you please help?
    Why cannot I ftp my new bouquet to the etc subdirectory? (It used to work OK before)
    Upon a good lengthy examination with dcc. I found the the files in the subdirectory of /etc/enigma2 are 644 and not 777, maybe that is the reason?- try as I may, I cannot seem to change them to 777 (as they revert back quickly) so that I may be able to write to it
    Do I have to delete all the files in /enigma2 then transfer? as I have only 1MB memory left with the in it. I cannot even transfer one small 4k file as it refuses to get written in the enigma2 subdirectory
    I am using an ethernet cable and not a null serial cable as I have the I5 Win7 PC with no serial outlet on my mobo
    Transfer from my DM800 to my PC works fine-Am I missing anything?? Have I turned off something in my setup?
    ALSO my 8GB flash drive plugged in top usb slot in rear refuses to record or initialize and there is 7GB space empty there (DCC can access it and transfer files from my c drive into it)
    I have created a bouquet directory therein and transferred all my new bouquet files OK but how do I then transfer them on to my DM800's /etc/enigma2 ??
    Could anyone please offer a solution so that I may get my new channel listings active?
    Thanks in advance

  • Have tried dreambox edit to ftp them over(using the enigma2 options) but get no joy-no files get transferred!
    Thanks for the quick reply anyway

  • you'll need to flash it again, no memory left. the 800 ids really bad for that when the memorys nearly ful. uninstalling doesn't clear it either it still sees the memory full. DCC also stops working after a while for some reason, just download or extract it again and delete the one you have.
    You need at least 5mb of free space left just for the box to operate correctly so pick only the plugins you really need this time or buy a ultimo or the like for more space, it has 500mb instead of 60mb

    Edited once, last by anniman ().

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