iPad 2 Jailbreak released {Tutorial included}Works on all iDevices on 4.3.3.

There are 2 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 925 times. The last Post () by DaiC1.

  • "How to Jailbreak iPad 2, iPhone, & iPod touch with iOS 4.3.3 and JailbreakMe

    Visit JailbreakMe.com from your compatible iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    Tap on the “Free” button and then tap on “Install”
    Safari will quit and you will see the brown Cydia icon loading on your home screen
    When Cydia is done downloading, your jailbreak is complete
    That’s all there is to it. It’s probably a good idea to reboot the iOS device once it’s finished so everything works as intended. If you ever get sick of it, you can unjailbreak just by restoring the iOS device from iTunes.

    Optionally, after the jailbreak is finished you may want to search for and download “PDF Patcher 2” from the Cydia store so you can patch the exploitable PDF hole that allows the jailbreak to install in the first place."

    iSO 5 will be out soon and the pdf exploit will prob be closed, this was was going to be held back until 5 but some noob leaked it. Another exploit blown.

    If its not broke --- fix it anyway.

  • By "announcing" that there will be a new ipad3 by as early as late September to divert attention away from the ipad2 to the ipad3. Not in recent history has there been such strong evidence/leaks for the next generation idevice like what we have now with the slew of iphone5 and ipad3 rumors. Considering how serious Apple is about confidentiality has anyone seen such MAJOR leaks this far from the official announcement of a new product? Outside of the iphone4/gizmodo debacle there has never been a slew of not only rumors but press releases of the next generation idevices.
    ipad2 smart cover
    ipad 2 Chargers
    ipad 2 speakers

    The conspiracy theorist in me is going nuts....

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