Sly Irish card on a sly plus (Samsung)

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  • Sly Irish card on a sly plus (Samsung)

    Hi all!
    I'm asking if anyone can help me?

    I got a neighbour that have sly irish card on a sly plus box (samsung).
    I'm portuguese, but my neighbours are irish that have that sly plus box. Here in Portugal, we have similar, that needs to be read the flash to use on oscam boxkey. Can anyone tell me, wich models are paired so I can figure out what we need please?

    best regards

  • I presume you have tested this card in oscam and confirmed that it is indeed a victim of the new hardware pairing?

    Please explain what you have tried so far before expecting any answers..


    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • I have converted the serial and put that on the latest oscam without sucess.
    That's why I ask if from now on we have to do a dump to the flash to get the boxkey and rsa?

  • as far as i know Samsung is safe to use same as thomson box have a look in box details if you have receiver id thats the only way to know if the box is paired
    otherwise test in CCcam to see if your hds clear then go back to oscam

  • Here in Portugal, we have similar, that needs to be read the flash to use on oscam boxkey. Can anyone tell me, wich models are paired so I can figure out what we need please?

    Bit baffled as to what you are actually trying to do? if you are trying to compare slys boxes with what portuguese providers use then their is no comparison between the two !

    And you will not get the boxkey or rsa by converting the serial number of the unit..nds do not use boxkeys they use a reciever id which can be converted and is why every man and their dog is trying to do it now.

    With zon/ meo they are using nagra 3 so its not so easy mate and i doubt you will retrieve this information especially if you think you can retrieve it from a barcode pmsl.


  • Try on VU+Duo2 the sly card with latest oscam and was only need to "plug and play" the card on he Vu+duo2 and start working!!!

    And I didn't need any kind of boxkey or serial number converted....

    but the card entitlements stay with 29/April/2014 since a week ago...

    my configs



    user                          = house
    au                            = card
    group                         = 1


    UK / G / S / UQ
    0 / 3608 / 0 / 0

    do I need anything to the card update the entitlements?!?!?!?


  • more and less how many weeks in advance the entitlements update?

    today, 10/march/2014 the entitlements are until 29/april/2014...

    probably during next week? There is any kind of regular basis weeks?

  • Today, at 15/march/2014, entitlements still with 29/April/2014...

    I'm only afraid that I'm missing something to don't get date updated, cause I have that date 29/April since I took the card from the sly box a 2/3 weeks ago.

  • You are fine at where you are right now what are you expecting to be further ahead of everyone on sly ????? your date is fine some are still at the 24th it will update in the next week stop the panic it it goes under 30 days you have an issue but it wont as long as the bill is paid, if you are that worried put it back in the sly box

  • Today, at 4/April/2014, entitlements still with 29/April/2014...

    Anyone that got sucessufully?

    user                          = vuduo2
    au                            = cardsly
    group                         = 1

    if I block the blockemm-g = 1, I don't receive nothing... But if I let global emm's came, I can see more than thousands, but when I try to refresh entitlements, pure clean them and don't update...And I have left all 2 days for 48h on a channel of the card...

    any advise?

    I'm only with oscam...

    Edited 2 times, last by master G: removing serial number ().

  • Thanks!

    But 1hour passed, and I don't see any emm on the reader :(

    And I have put your configs and Vu+duo2 see a channel of the card

    enabled                       = 1
    au                            = 1
    user                          = vuduo2
    boxtype                       = dreambox

    .??? Anyone have This dvbapi with PMT? Wich one to use it?

    Edited 2 times, last by p lopes ().

  • Code
    Version:        oscam-1.20-unstable_svn-r9533
    Compiler:       x86_64-linux-gnu
    ConfigDir:      /usr/local/etc/

    on a Vu+Duo2

    I really need help, cause I haven't got the sly box with me, and the entitlements "only" go until 29/04/2014


  • sorry...

    I have this version on Vu+Duo2...

    Version: oscam-1.20-unstable_svn-r9460
    ConfigDir: /var/tuxbox/config/

    please, delete my last post, cause I did copy paste from my oscam on desktop

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