Need help with smb.cfg

  • Hello,

    I would appreciate if anyone could help me with the default smb.cfg config. Currently my internal HDD is shared as Harddisk and anyone can read/write. I would like to limit the access to the root only. The smb.cfg is below. Would you please tell me what settings I need to change? I have tried to comment out "guest ok = yes" and restart smb daemon but it did not help

    load printers = no
    guest account = root
    log file = /tmp/smb.log
    log level = 1
    security = share
    server string = Vuplus %h network services
    workgroup = Vuplus
    netbios name = %h
    case sensitive=yes
    preserve case=yes
    short preserve case=yes
    socket options = TCP_NODELAY
    preferred master = no ;(These stop the machine being master browser, which means that it doesn't waste time there.)
    unix extensions = no

    comment = The harddisk
    path = /hdd
    wide links = yes
    read only = no
    public = yes
    guest ok = yes

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