Ubuntu + CCcam + WinTv ****-S

  • Hi Everyone

    Out of curiousity what is the situation these days with running CCcam on Ubuntu 14.04 x64 a with a budget tuner card such as a WinTv ****-S please? lspci says the tuner - Philips Semiconductors SAA7146 (rev 01).

    Back when I was running Ubuntu 10.04 x86, I was running CCcam either 2.0.11 and had a launch CCcam at startup with a .sh script. This had something like an LD Preload for capmt.ca_sa due to the tuner card being a budget one.

    Now that I've recently been running Ubuntu 14.04, I've tried version 2.3.0 of CCcam that has a CCcam.x86_64 executable file, right back to 2.2.1, 2.2.0, 2.1.4 right back to the old version of 2.0.11 that I was using previously on my old Ubuntu build and unfortunately none of them seem to work. I used the AutoInstaller script and have since disabled it all to prevent CCcam from running at startup as it either wasn't running at all in some cases, or it was running and stopping for some reason.

    This appeared every 5 minutes, preumably because the cronn job was running CCcam.x86_64 every 4 minutes:-

    But both before, during and after this had run I couldn't connect to the CCcam web page on port 16001. I tried it with both the stock CCcam.cfg and a custom CCcam.cfg that I had used successfully on my old Ubuntu build.

    If I remember rightly, the way it had to run before was with the LD PRELOAD calling the capmt.ca_so file so that it would output the newcamd file which could be picked up by a PVR backend to XBMC. I think this is right but I'm not 100% sure as it was a few years ago.

    I hope this makes sense and if anyone has any ideas or suggestions with regards to how to set this up with a newer and 64 bit version of Ubuntu and CCcam it would be extrenely helpful! Or should I drop CCcam and start using something oscam which I believe is a bit harder to setup, but is updated far more frequently.

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