Problem changing channels Amiko mini Combo

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  • Hi
    I wonder if someone can help me. When I change channel for the first time after power up, it takes around 16 seconds before my amiko mini combo can de-scramble a channel (no problem with free channels). If I then change to a new scramble channel, I will experience the problem again. If I change back to a previews viewed scramble channel, I can start viewing the channel directly.
    I have experience this problem with all the different emus from sw update 1.1.91 to the latest version 1.2.50.
    If I change channel while I’m under the menu “Net Client Config”, I can see what the stb is doing. The log information confirms the long delay for changing channel.

    Log info:

    “Server [1]Get ecm […] cw failed”.
    16 seconds later
    “Server [1] Send ecm[…] …
    Server [1] Get ecm […] cw OK […] – I can start viewing the channel

    I really appreciate all the help I can get.

    PS! I’m watching Swedish T/T2 channels and using mgcam
    Thanks :)

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