FFMultiConverter is now available for Ubuntu 14.04 & Linux Mint 17

  • FF Multi Converter is a simple graphical application which enables you to convert audio, video, image and document files between all popular formats, using and combining other programs. It uses ffmpeg for audio/video files, unoconv for document files and PythonMagick library for image file conversions.
    The goal of FF Multi Converter is to gather all multimedia types in one application and provide conversions for them easily through a user-friendly interface. Extra options will be gradually added.


    • Conversions for several file formats.
    • Very easy to use interface.
    • Access to common conversion options.
    • Audio/video ffmpeg-presets management.
    • Options for saving and naming files.
    • Recursive conversions.

    Supported formats:

    Audio/Video formats:
    aac, ac3, afc, aiff, amr, asf, au, avi, dvd, flac, flv, mka, mkv, mmf, mov, mp3, mp4, mpg, ogg, ogv, psp, rm, spx, vob, wav, webm, wma, wmv
    And any other format supported by ffmpeg.

    Image formats:
    bmp, cgm, dpx, emf, eps, fpx, gif, jbig, jng, jpeg, mrsid, p7, pdf, picon, png, ppm, psd, rad, tga, tif, webp, xpm

    Document file formats:
    doc -> odt, pdf
    html -> odt
    odp -> pdf, ppt
    ods -> pdf
    odt -> doc, html, pdf, rtf, sxw, txt, xml
    ppt -> odp
    rtf -> odt
    sdw -> odt
    sxw -> odt
    txt -> odt
    xls -> ods
    xml -> doc, odt, pdf

    What's in this version:

    The program ported to python3
    PythonMagick replaced by ImageMagick.
    Small corrections and changes in the presets list.
    Updated presets list.
    New presets options: synchronization and remove old.
    New option to maintain or not aspect ratio when resizing an image.
    Italian, Spanish, Chinese (Taiwan) and Malay translations.
    Bug fixes.

    howi to install



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