box keep loosing connection with cam

There are 2 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,537 times. The last Post () by sunlight786.

  • hi,
    i am using original dm8000 (image bh 1.3.3d ) and i am currently using mgcamd 1.35a .every often i found morning time my box is not displaying any premium channels and that time i press blue button to reconectt the magcamd and then box work fine.
    i must need to tell you that i reboot my box every night at 3am and then 3:20am my crossepg get to update.where i have also found issue some time after updating the epg i only get epg for now&next and this situation i just restart the enigma2 and all epg loaded properly for 7 days.

    so basically as you see i got 2 issue.
    1- i think once the box reboot then mgcamd itself d,nt connect to server.
    2- 20 minutes after reboot crossepg start getting update and after uptade epg failed to load properly into my usb(location)

    can any one please advise me for that?
    or any one can provide me a script to set as cron for every 5 minute to check if mgcamd stop or freeze then it make it to run.

    also some thing to solve this epg issue please.

  • ok i am going to alter the time of reboot which will be 20min after the crossepg downloaded and will report back if it solve the epg issue.

    i have ftp the box and found this

    which is



    remove_tmp () {
    rm -rf /tmp/*.info* /tmp/*.tmp* /tmp/*mgcamd*

    case "$1" in
    echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $CAMNAME"
    /usr/bin/mgcamd_1.35 &
    echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $CAMNAME"
    killall -9 mgcamd_1.35
    $0 stop
    exit 0

    exit 0

    can i edite or add any lines in it and try to run the script as cron job every 5minu so script can watch if the mGcamd frozen or stop it can make sure it auto start after reboot or any crash.

    this is also what i think to try ,please tell me if its wrong

    if i add this script to /var/script/mgcamdheck_userscript then chomd 755

    here is the script

    if ps x |grep -v grep |grep -c mgcamd_1.35 >/dev/null
    echo "mgcamd is ok."
    echo "mgcamd is restarting."
    /var/script/ stop
    /var/script/ start

    then make a crontab as

    # crontab -e
    */5 * * * * /var/script/

    will it work?

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