DM800HD SE read/write on external HDD, NTFS formatted

  • Hello everybody

    I have DM 800HD SE Rami Maher, Newnigma2-unstable 2011-09-02
    and want to write on ext. HDD 1tb. but when push on red bottom
    no HDD or not initialized.
    My ext. Hdd is formated NTFS, windows xp.
    I was trying to install ntfs-3g which gives the option to write, read NTFS HDD by Linux, but still have a problems.
    ntfs-3g is installed, green circle in package list, throug blue bottom, online installer, all packages.
    Is anyone to advise, or send the link steb-by step intructions how to install -3G,
    what must be changed, configured
    to make ext. HDD NTFS formatted, to enable read/write by dreambox(Linux)
    Any help is highly appreciated.

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