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There are 49 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 14,058 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • Neues Merlin3-Image auf Basis des OE 2.0 veröffentlicht!

    Mit dem neuen Merlin3 wurde heute das dritte alternative Image auf Basis des neusten OE 2.0 veröffentlicht! Mit dabei sind neben den von den älteren Merlin3-Images bereits bekannten Features auch eine ganze Reihe neuer Funktionen.

    Nachdem bereits OoZooN und das Newnigma2-Team die ersten Images auf Basis des experimentellen OE 2.0 veröffentlicht haben, ist nun auch Merlin3 nachgezogen. Damit sind die drei beliebtesten Images auf Basis des OE 2.0 verfügbar und profitieren von den Neuerungen wie dem neusten Linux-Kernel, dem Web-Browser und natürlich auch HbbTV. Hier gibt es genauere Infos über das neue OE 2.0.

    Wer das Merlin3 bereits in der Vergangenheit nutzte weiß, dass es sich vor allem durch die vielen zusätzlichen Features ausgezeichnet hat. Das neue Merlin3 auf Basis des OE 2.0 bringt alle bekannten Features mit, es sind keine Funktionen verloren gegangen. Welche das genau sind, kann in den Dreambox-Blog Artikeln über das Merlin3 ausführlich nachgelesen werden.

    Ein gleich auf den ersten Blick sichtbarer Unterschied zu den älteren Merlin3-Images ist der neue Standard-Skin, der auf dem originalen Standard-HD-Skin von Dream aufbaut.

    Die zwei wesentlichen Unterschiede zum originalen Skin sind die andere Farbe und vor allem die Vollbild-Ansicht der Kanalliste.

    In diesem Screenshot ist gleichzeitig auch schon ein altbekanntes Merlin3-Feature sichtbar: Es besteht die Möglichkeit, zusätzlich zum Fortschrittsbalken auch eine Prozentanzeige oder die Restlaufzeit in die Kanalliste hinzuzufügen. Diese und mehr Einstellungen können im eigenen Merlin-Konfigurationsmenü eingestellt werden.

    Über dieses Menü besteht Zugang zu allen Merlin3-Funktionen. Dazu gehören bspw. der eigene Picon Loader sowie die Möglichkeiten, die Position der Infobar und Movieplayer-Infobar zu ändern. Neu hinzugekommen an dieser Stelle ist die Spinner-Auswahl, mit der alternative und zuvor installierte Spinner ausgewählt und aktiviert werden können.

    Ein weiteres neues Feature ist der Lösch- und Verschiebemodus in der Filmliste. Das ist eine richtig praktische Funktion, wenn für ein bisschen Ordnung im Aufnahmeverzeichnis gesorgt werden soll. Über die Menü-Taste in der Filmliste lassen sich diese beiden Funktionen aktivieren:

    Nach dem Aktivieren des Lösch- oder Verschiebemodus wird wieder in die Filmliste gewechselt. Anschließend können mit der OK-Taste entsprechende Filme bzw. Dateien markiert werden.

    Die markierten Filme werden im Löschmodus in Rot und im Verschiebemodus in Blau angezeigt. Wurden alle gewünschten Filme markiert, können diese durch ein erneutes Drücken der Menü-Taste alle auf einmal gelöscht oder verschoben werden. Über die Menü-Taste kann der Lösch- und Verschiebemodus natürlich auch abgebrochen werden.

    Auch in der Kanalliste haben zwei neue Funktionen Einzug erhalten, die für die Organisation der Sender sehr hilfreich sind:

    Neu hinzugekommen sind hier die Möglichkeiten, einen Sender in ein anderes Bouquet zu Verschieben und einen Sender umbenennen zu können. Insbesondere für diejenigen, die die Bouquets gerne direkt an der Dreambox mit der Fernbedienung bearbeiten, ist das ein praktisches Feature. Alternativ kann dafür aber auch dreamboxEDIT oder der Web-Bouquet-Editor genutzt werden. Das Umbenennen der Sender wird allerdings nur vom Merlin3 unterstützt.

    Das Merlin3-Team hat sich wie OoZooN auch dafür entschieden, ein etwas schlankeres Image auszuliefern. So passt das Image auch in Dreamboxen mit etwas kleinerem Flash-Speicher, auch wenn es hier immer noch knapp bleibt und Tools wie Freeze in Erwägung gezogen werden sollten. Wer mit dem Merlin3 HbbTV und den Web-Browser nutzen möchte, muss diesen über die Softwareverwaltung vorher nachinstallieren (bei der Installation des Browsers wird HbbTV automatisch mitinstalliert).

    Wie bei den anderen OE 2.0-Images handelt es sich auch beim neuen Merlin3-Image um ein echtes experimentelles Image. Es läuft zwar schon sehr stabil, doch mit jedem Update besteht die Gefahr, dass etwas kaputt geht. Daher ist es grundsätzlich ratsam, Updates nicht sofort zu installieren, sondern vorher im Forum vorbeizuschauen, ob ein Update gefahrlos möglich ist. Auch die Kompatibilität mit allen PlugIns ist noch nicht unbedingt gegeben — es kann hier vereinzelt zu Problemen kommen.

    Wichtiger Hinweis — kein SWAP-File mit den OE 2.0 nutzen: Mit den neuen OE 2.0-Images kam es in Verbindung mit einem aktivierten SWAP-File zu Rucklern und Artefakten bei Aufnahmen. Daher sollte ein möglicherweise bereits aktiviertes SWAP-File deaktiviert bzw. erst gar nicht eingerichtet werden. Das betrifft vor allem Nutzer von BarryAllen, dflash und ggf. Gemini3-PlugIn, falls dort SWAP manuell aktiviert wurde.

    Weitere Informationen zu dem neuen Merlin3 auf Basis des OE 2.0 gibt es wie immer bei Dort sind auch das für die jeweiligen Dreamboxen passende Changelogs zu finden. Eine ausführliche Beschreibung der Features gibt es auch im Merlin-Wiki.

    Die Images für alle HD-Dreamboxen können hier heruntergeladen werden.

  • Goliath – more than just digital TV


  • Goliath: New Dreambox Enigma2 and successor

    Prior to the ANGA Cable 2012 was much speculation, what is it for new products which will be presented and how it will proceed with the Dreambox and Enigma2. Now it is more specific: There are much better with a new Dreambox hardware, the successor to the Dreambox Enigma2 and network.

    Of 12 to 14 June 2012 will be held this year's ANGA Cable. This is a "trade fair for cable, satellite and multimedia", which is not addressed to consumers, but business to providers, retailers and others. There are developments presented here, which show the direction in which the entire market will develop for the end user.

    Of course, in so do not miss a fair dream and was present with a booth. In the exhibition, alongside all the latest Dream boxes (DM500 HD, DM800SE, DM8000, DM7020 and DM600pvr HD) is also a video about the new "Project Goliath" were. And of course, has this time been no shortage of cocktail stand.

    Dream In advance of the ANGA Cable 2012 press release about Goliath published . From this press release are mainly the following two sets of very interesting:

    Goliath is a completely new hardware and software that will combine all the features of the successful Dream Boxes in itself and this trump. The project is in terms of speed and inn***tion, setting new standards and the way media content is consumed, revolutionize.

    What that means is, yesterday in an interview with Dream at ANGA illustrates again. There will be a new Dreambox, which will consist not only of a new hardware, but also gets a new system - that is the successor of Enigma2.

    New hardware: more power, better processor

    But first time for the hardware: Who in the new OE 2.0 images ever tried the browser, or HbbTV has certainly noticed that although there were already several performance updates, runs relatively slowly and it takes a while to the sides were loaded and displayed on the TV. The reason for this is simply the processor the Dreambox. The Broadcom processors that were used in the newer Dreambox DM8000 and have a capacity of 400 MHz (dual core). On such a processor, it takes something now time to images and processes an entire page and has been shown.

    Therefore, it is planned for the new Dreambox Goliath Project, a new, powerful processor. Broadcom offers this to any suitable processor, which means that Goliath will also be a detachment from Broadcom. The new processor is supposed to represent a significant performance improvement: a processor speed of 1 GHz, and of course dual core. With such a processor, the web browser will make a lot of fun, perhaps even new media formats left little performance.

    What type of processor architecture, this will be is officially not known, nor even the question which manufacturers come into question. However, it may be advantageous not to change the processor architecture and MIPS to stay, chances are this is certainly not bad.

    In addition to the new hardware inside the Dreambox will also change the design of the Dreambox. You will remain while still recognizable as Dreambox, but still look different. The new prototype was exhibited only hidden - it was possible to feel for him to watch, but there was nothing. The reason for this is surely obvious: The competition will not get to see before publication, look like the new Dream boxes - a practice that is practiced by the majority of car manufacturers.

    New software combines all previous and more

    In order to exploit the new power can come together with the new hardware and new software on the Dreambox. An important statement is anticipated that all that was previously possible with a Dreambox, Goliath will also be possible.

    It is clear that will come with the new Dreambox Enigma2 no longer used. Whether the new software builds on the core now Enigma2 or it really is a completely new development is not known. However, it should give, as with Enigma2, interfaces for plug-ins. And it should, stood, giving the possibility to adapt the "old" Enigma2-ins so that they work with Goliath. Here, however, is not known, and more accurate it is possible that in the end everything is different - there is no other choice than to wait.

    Dreambox Network: The Inn***tion

    In the same breath with the new software will also Dreambox network to be launched. Here, too, was not so much and no details were revealed. It seems one of the main reasons for the new operating system and hardware to be.

    Each user is given the opportunity to register with the Dreambox network and then via the Internet (from anywhere) access to this later. The ability to share data with and access data and communicate with other users, there should be good.

    The Dreambox Network meets most of the statement to the press release that "the way media content is consumed", is being revolutionized.

    As the whole will look in detail, including what features and a kind of cloud or whether it will be similar, but has not yet revealed, so we also have to see this tension. Launched at the ANGA Cable Video about Goliath played out on a cross-linking of the Dreambox.

    Here, too, is not yet clear how the connection of the older Dreambox Dreambox to the network is going to happen. It depends above all on here, suffice to what extent the performance of the legend box is for. Whether and how the connection will be possible, but only decided at the appropriate time and experimentation.

    DVB-S2 dual tuner

    Although Goliath was and is the dominant theme, but also exhibited the DVB-S2 dual tuner again. Unfortunately, these are still a prototype, which is not yet finished.

    It will probably be later this year so far that the tuner will be released - assuming there is nothing wrong. There will be a slight caveat: The tuner is only supported by the DM800SE. Thus, the small Dreambox could be a twin tuner Dreambox converted easily.


    We may be curious about what exactly is developing the project Goliath. Although the information published so far are not very detailed and rich in detail, but to no later than the next year there will be more accurate ANGA - and the new Dreambox.

    Previously published information in any case ever heard of good and actually meet the current needs of many users: more performance for more functions.

    Let us surprise us even know how it evolved and what it will be so far!

  • Enigma2-update improves the stability

    Yesterday another Enigma2 update was released. In addition to troubleshooting known problems there are also some new features, including the browser.

    The Web browser is, as you can see from the last update and this, still in development. This time was different, fixed unspecified bugs. In addition, the integrated virtual mouse worked. Use the number keys on the remote control can now be bound to the item displayed on the screen, which is much faster and easier to move than using the cursor keys to the appropriate positions.

    Is also the movie player is a small new feature: a recording has been looked up to 4 seconds before the end of the movie player is now believed that the image was viewed completely and does not start playback at that point.

    Who has swapped out the shift to a Windows share directory (CIFS or Samba) should have more problems with this update no. Also, the Blu-Disc player for playback of Blu-rays can now deal with media that have no meta-data.

    In principle, the stability of Enigma2 have improved with this update. Because the viewer errors that can result in crashes were also been fixed as well as the software manager that has crashed under certain circumstances for updates.

    In the days before this update is also still a kernel update distributed - Enigma2 is now on the Linux kernel 3.2.20. This kernel update includes mainly fixes for ext3 and ext4. Which they are in detail, at length in the changelog of the Linux kernel to be read.

    For more information about this update and the full changelog is here .

    As always there is the update via the automatic software update, if the experimental image is used by Dream. Users of other images need to be patient a little longer until the updates are available.

  • DM8000: Production is shut down
    DM8000 HD PVR
    Production is shut down

    The DM8000 HD PVR translated the claim into action to unite digital consumer electronics into one device. It is all the more regrettable, then, that Dream won't be able to carry on the production of this groundbreaking multimedia center.

    This is because several electronic components are no longer available. Dream Multimedia won't develop a successor of the DM8000. Nevertheless, Dream looks ahead to the future. At this year's Anga Cable show Dream lifted the veil and let visitors take a brief look at the Goliath project.

    This inn***tive software and hardware platform will outshine everything Dream has developed so far.
    DM8000: Production is shut down |

  • Sudoku, Connect Four, Battleship and SameGame for Enigma2

    To bridge the break or just to pass the time, the ideal Enigma2 games. And it should be there also something for every taste, for there were four different classic for Enigma2 (OE 1.6 and 2.0) released.

    It is recalled that at Dreamboxen not powerful computer, so that complex 3D games are of course not possible here. But even classics can be fun, especially when it comes, for example, efforts to bridge the break. DarkVolli of dreambox has released four games for Enigma2. The great thing is that both under the new OE 2.0, runs as well as under the old OE 1.6 images are.

    All games can be easily controlled via the remote control, the operation is largely via the cursor keys.

    Sudoku is a popular logic puzzles. The basic idea is that a number in a column in a row and in a 3 × 3 block only exactly once allowed. Where it is precisely in Sudoku is at Wikipedia described in detail. As is with most Sudoku games are also needed to Enigma2 version different levels of difficulty.

    The control is via the cursor keys and numeric keys. The Cursor_Tasten can navigate to the appropriate vacancy will be filled on the dial pad the number. Use the yellow button ("check game") can be tested to the full completion, whether the solution is correct or not.

    With the "<" - and ">" keys to up the difficulty (appears on the right above) are subject to change.

    Four wins
    Another classic is four wins . This is also arrayed against the Dreambox. The goal is to have four stones horizontally, vertically or diagonally adjacent.

    Again, the operation is very simple: Use the left and right arrow keys, the cursor can be navigated to the appropriate column, with the OK button, the stone is dropped. There are different levels here.

    esame is also known by other names such as SameGame , or KSame Same Gnome. The aim is to remove as many stones as possible. If we choose it from a stone, all the same colored stones that attach directly to the stone will be removed at the same time. It should always be selected for rem***l those stones which have as many adherent of the same color.

    Again, the navigability is done by using the cursor keys, the OK button in each of the selected stone including all attached stones will be deleted. It will always display the current score and the number of same-colored pendant stones.

    It's the classic: Battleship .

    Here, too, stood up to the Dreambox. In the right part of the screen own ship are displayed in color. Green indicates that part of the ship is still intact, red symbolizes a hit. The star * beside it show the previous hit the opponent.

    The left frame displays its own interaction takes place. Here the opponent can be attacked. Use the cursor keys to navigate to the appropriate location, are activated by pressing the OK button then the "launch".

    Here in red symbolizes the successful hit, while showing the asterisk * that there is no ship at this point.

    As described above, all games run under both the new OE 2.0 and OE 1.6 images under the old. So it should be with all currently available and reasonably current images no problem.

    Passes on information about the games and the install packages it in IhaD board and dreambox .

    Enjoy the game!

  • New Enigma2 Release 3.2.3 and updates for OE 1.6

    Following the publication of the new OE 2.0 images , the development has focused initially on this branch. Yesterday was but now the new release 3.2.3 released with various bug fixes for all HD Dreambox.

    Many put, despite the many new features of the OE 2.0 images still on the stable relase of Dream. This, however, based on the old branch development (OD 1.6) and it was after the publication of the first OE 2.0 become quieter - until yesterday. It was published in the new release 3.2.3, which mainly contains many bug fixes, bringing the plug-ins, all plug-ins up to date.

    One focus was the improvement in stability . Previously it was in connection with the EPG-Cache, teletext and during the shutdown of Enigma2 cause crashes that should be fixed now.

    Even when changing the time-shift playback to live there could be problems, as well as for the selection of teletext subtitles . Here also the quality of this subtitle has been improved (by the way a bug fix, which comes from the OE 2.0 images). Particularly important for foreign users is the improved representation of different characters in the EPG description.

    Who the Dreambox with a rotor uses for which there is a new function. It can now be set if a rotor is controlled only by the Dreambox (this option is enabled by default). This in particular to allow for faster zapping between LNBs with and without rotor.

    In addition, should now also the transponder search go faster: no usable transponder services are now simply skipped unnecessary here instead of wasting time.

    After the intrusion of the many new HD channels in Germany , the default channel list has earned a refreshing and since this release includes all the newly added stations.

    We can assume that this was one of the last updates for OE 1.6 branch. This fact can also be recognized that here were solved mainly errors in order to create a stable and very usable image. This allows the full development of the new OE 2.0 images, and the Goliath project focus.

    As always there are the images at . There are also specific to the zufinden Dreambox appropriate changelogs.

    Who on the basis of an alternative image using OE 1.6, must wait a few days until the fixes are distributed. In general, it does not take long to follow the teams image.

  • Important information about BarryAllen, Rambo, Dumbo, and LowFat dFlash

    Many will have noticed the cryptic announcements from Mine certainly good. What is it exactly that has to be and what tools it will be what restrictions there are now summarized here.

    There are circulating now, the wildest speculations by various forums, so anticipate the information: It is in any of the tools is a risk that the Dreambox is damaged. Also, the boats of the images usually always be possible, but in any case remains the image of in flash memory unaffected.

    The soon encountered constraints differ depending on whether an OE 1.6 or 2.0 is used. Specifically, there will be for users of an OE 2.0 actually almost no restrictions. But see below for more in the article.

    Restrictions on the tools used in OE 1.6 images

    On several occasions gutemine, the developers of these tools has announced to support the OE 1.6 images no longer work after the OE 2.0 is pretty stable now. It now also has implications for the support and the functionality of the tools for the OE 1.6.

    The following instructions apply only to the OE 1.6. Who uses the OE 2.0 is, according to the appropriate heading below the appropriate information. There is also the end of the article, information on non-working versions.

    First of all, the initramfs is a patch for OE 1.6 images in the fall of the operation. The initramfs patch is there to allow for mounting on the label. What it is exactly this is, is described here in detail .

    This will directly affect LowFat 5.2 for OE 1.6 have. There are images no longer work because the tool uses initramfs. Moreover, even Dumbo does not work anymore, if I can use the initramfs feature is used. Who uses initramfs not Dumbo will have no problems here.

    The latest BarryAllen for OE 1.6 is also set in the fall of the service, and no longer work.

    So if LowFat, BarryAllen or Dumbo with initramfs uses should, before necessarily a backup of each outsourced Images (I make the best but a manual backup of important files, not a complete flash-ready nfi backup, as this will then probably take a little). Because the transferred image is then in the autumn, when the initramfs kernel fails the service, not boot! It will only be possible to boot the image in Flash.

    In dFlash for OE 1.6 , there is good news, however. So shall the dFlash version 3.3 work "forever", just nfidump could refuse to work, but this is not needed for everyday use and defaults to the well.

    It will definitely be that all of the tools for OE 1.6 is no longer extended and no longer be supported in any way and so, as here described, and set to limit their service. New and further developments will take place exclusively for the OE 2.0.

    So if you want to outsource the increase in OE 1.6 Flash or should rely on Dumbo without initramfs.

    Restrictions on the tools used in OE 2.0 images

    Said in advance, it is for all the tools to give the OE 2.0 images provide timely new releases. So if you ever switch to the latest stable version will have no problems.

    The future of Rambo is still not safe. In the threads of Rambo was always pointed out that the function is limited to a few months. Good mine wrote to me that there might be another Rambo or better solution, and therefore may be replaced by the better solution.

    All other tools will work with the OE 2.0 in the future.

    Moreover, as already written in the instructions for OE 1.6, held new and further developments exclusively on the OE 2.0.

    Currently not working dFlash, Dumbo, and LowFat BarryAllen in OE 2.0

    There are currently several versions of dFlash, Dumbo, and LowFat BarryAllen that do not work well on the OE 2.0. These are but only to test kits, not to stable releases that are located on the feeds of Merlin and OoZooN images.

    The user who opened this kit directly from the mine of good threads have to know about it already modest. The reason for the adjustment of test kits is to prevent that gutemine want the latest versions are widely distributed without the test results back into the thread.

    Who has the tools that is installed on the Merlin-OoZooN or feed is not affected by this problem, because there only the releases are available.

    What's next?
    It will probably be in the coming days and weeks of the new test kits mentioned tools. Until then, I strongly advise to use only the releases, because it is so safe for a long time.

    In OE 1.6, it does go a bit harder. Who does not want to upgrade to the OE 2.0, which I strongly advise to use initramfs without Dumbo, as this will then also be able to run. All other tools will not work anymore.

    Anyone who uses Rambo in OE 2.0, a little more remains to be seen whether there'll be a new test kit or whether to switch to an alternative "better solution" must. But this will certainly be announced in advance. Who wants to risk anything, for example, can go on Dumbo.

    Again in summary: There is no danger for the Dreambox. Regular manual backups to make sure no harm, even for the case that an image for other reasons not to start.

    Thanks to good mine for detailed information. Now would be a little more clarity in the entire history. I hope this helps a little to calm the situation and that the wild speculation to an end.

    • Official Post

    [h=1]GStreamer 0.10 no longer maintained[/h]

    • Official Post

    OpenPLi stops actively supporting Dream Multimedia STB’s

    With the decision of Dream Multimedia to abandon open source for their STB’s, our motivation for dealing with the consequences of that has dwindled.

    This has gotten to the point that we are no longer willing to apply Dream Multimedia specific patches, which is why we do not support their v2 STB hardware.

    Because current OpenPLi users with Dream Multimedia STB’s expect support from us, we feel the need to make our position clear.

    We have decided that:

    - We will stop fixing Dream Multimedia specific bugs for existing DMM boxes;
    - We will not support the “v2″ series of Dream Multimedia STB hardware, like the 7020HDv2 and 800SEv2;
    - We will not support future Dream Multimedia STB hardware they may release;

    The Dream Multimedia hardware currently supported by OpenPLi will remain active in our automated build environment, which means images will be generated and feeds will remain available, until we get to a point that this is no longer possible without intervention. At that point, we will effectively stop with all support.

    Since OpenPLi is open source and available to anyone, feel free to setup your own build environment, and produce images for Dream Multimedia hardware yourself, “Based on OpenPLi”.

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