[Help]Configure CSP with CSPADM

  • I'm with my instlado CSP and running properly on Ubuntu 12.04 (usr / local / csp), and installed the panel CSPADM and is running properly on the same machine (var / www / cspadm), but I'm getting this error in the logs of the csp:

    2014-10-19 14:02:54 - WARNING: XmlUserManager - Unable to parse 'http://my ip/cspadm': Content is not allowed in prolog.

    This is my setup:

    <user-manager class="com.bowman.cardserv.XmlUserManager" allow-on-failure="false" log-failures="true">
    <user-source name="cspadm">
    <user-file-url>http://my ip/cspadm</user-file-url>

    If anyone can help me thank.

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