How to Give Device Name to Triple Reader Like in Smargo V2

  • Hello All
    I Followed this tutorial

    How to get Smargo Serial:Reader info for use in Oscam
        Type these lines in telnet:
    [CODE]    lsusb -v | grep iSerial

    You should get something like this:

    iSerial 3 Reader 129

    Now you can add this in oscam.server:

    Device = Serial:Reader 129

    Smargo will now work in oscam without any issues, even after rebooting your PC. number 129 doesnt change! [/CODE]

    and get some info from google and finally I get device name for Smargo V2.

    I gave device name R30 so
    Q.1 Do I write " Device = Serial:R30 " ?
    Q.2 How to do this for Smargo Triple Reader ?

    Waiting for positive reply

    Thanks for so nice website

    EDIT: I am using Ubuntu 13.10

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