Hide channel without changing its number

  • Hello,

    I'm not sure to post in the good forum's section. I'm new here, if problem, please moderator to tell me !

    (I'm french, my english is not perfect)

    So I'd like to do following thing (I'm on enigma2, black hole image)

    - Hide channels from favorite list. For this I found the bouquets protection plugin and it work
    - I'd like to maintain channels number as they were before hide a channel.
    Channel 45 abc
    Channel 46 def
    Channel 47 ghi
    Channel 48 jkl
    If I hide channel 46 and 47, it works but the channel 48 (jkl) become channel 46.

    So is there a way to keep for the hide channels (that are registered in the favourite list) their numbers (ex here 46 and 47) so when I'm zapping from channel abc to jkl, I'm zapping from channel 45 to 48 and not from 45 to 46.

    Thanks for your help !!

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