looking to switch from newcamd to oscam

There are 10 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 855 times. The last Post () by thetech.

  • Would greatly appreciate if someone could help me with setting up a oscam server as I’m stock .I have a small share 7 people family and friends only running newcamd with a white card,but lately I’m having to reboot every 90 minutes as everything drops. I’ve reflashed my eagle box 500s changed routers, and every 90 minutes I have to restart my server, same problem. So I’m out of ideas and would like to switch to oscam ,but I don’t understand the config set up thanks.

  • Thanks for replying master g seems to make more sense to me now but i won't get to change over until the morning i'll let you know how i get on cheers.

    - - - Updated - - -

    hi thanks for the help but still not working i reimage the box eagle box 500s with the following image http://linuxsat-support.com/showthread.php?t=11292
    Gemini 4.70 Freestyle Skin UK Ready Backup By Ten Below
    Not sue if that the right image to use
    Took my N. lines and use the convert them to oscam and pasted them into the sever file I look at the other two files I change nothing in them the first time I tried but with no joy then the second time I put my own ip address into the file were there was one and tried again no joy .am I miss something or is the image wrong or do I leave the newcs.xml file in it as you see I cant work this out as I use to the newcs so any help would be gratefully taking please

    • Official Post

    If i were you i would flash this image, it`s the best available for that receiver => Commando 15.0d for DM500S and DM500C

    Oscam can be downloaded here => Oscam, CCcam & Mgcamd For Commando Neutrino Image Dm500

    Paste the converted N lines into oscam.server file with notepadd++ and save. Or use CCcam2Oscam to create an oscam.server file..

    FTP all 6 oscam config files to /var/tuxbox/config, start oscam, then look at the oscam webinterface in a browser like this http://ip.address.of.dm500:8888

    Copy the live oscam log from startup so we can help figure out whats going wrong buddy..

  • It would be easier just using CCCam for such a small share group. It reads the white card without issues provided you enter the correct boxkey which you will already have in your NewCamd config. Its also a lot easier to setup than OSCam.

    The good thing with CCCam is that it updates the card without any issues what so ever.


    • Official Post

    It would be easier just using CCCam for such a small share group.

    I`m assuming he setup friends and family.. Coming from newcs all his peers are using N lines.. If he moves to CCcam he will need to give out C lines.. I think the transition to oscam would be easier if this is the case, so he can continue using the newcamd protocol / N lines, instead of having to setup everybody again..

    After reading your thread again i realized you want to create N lines, not add a remote reader. I gave you the wrong info, sorry about that.

    For example the N lines are like this:

    N: my.hostname.org [COLOR='#FF0000']10001[/COLOR] [COLOR='#B22222']linuxsat1 support1[/COLOR] [COLOR='#FFA500']01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14[/COLOR]
    N: my.hostname.org [COLOR='#FF0000']10001[/COLOR] [COLOR='#B22222']linuxsat2 support2[/COLOR] [COLOR='#FFA500']01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14[/COLOR]
    N: my.hostname.org [COLOR='#FF0000']10001[/COLOR] [COLOR='#B22222']linuxsat3 support3[/COLOR] [COLOR='#FFA500']01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14[/COLOR]

    Add this to oscam.conf:

    port = [COLOR='#FF0000']10001[/COLOR]@0963:000000
    key  = [COLOR='#FFA500']0102030405060708091011121314[/COLOR]
    keepalive = 1

    Create a new [account] for each peer in oscam.user:

    I have modified the attached configs to include this..

  • once again i must thank you for all your help and i would have not got this far with out it . i spent a lot of hours trying yesterday with no joy .i tried the image you said and a few more i feel i am nearly there but then i knock back at the last jump any way i am going to attach my files and can you tell me is these the only files that should be in the config folder i no that its only a small server but i would love to get it going once again i thank you

    Edited once, last by master G: removing configs ().

  • thanks great job working now thanks could not have done this with out your help can i ask you a couple of question
    if i have to add a user or take one away how would i do that as i for got to add my mother and father to it do i go into the ocam use and add it
    does the card update it self like did on the newcs that i was running before
    also try looking at the box thought the Webb interface but it will not come up any ideas
    once again i must thank you very much for what you did

    • Official Post

    Already explained how to add a new user / [account] to oscam.user in post #6 buddy.

    Delete the [account] if you want to remove someone from your server..

    Oscam is configured to update the entitlements on your card, no need to change anything..

    Access oscam webinterface in a browser like this http://ip.address.of.dm500:8888

  • i like to thank you for all the time and work that you have done its all up and running now with no freezing and breaking up running like a dream your the man all i need now is the card to update and i rest at peace thanks and good luck

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