SerienRecorder [*deb]

There are 20 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 3,285 times. The last Post () by kalkan99.

  • [OE2.2] SerienRecorder

    Update 3.0.13

    Thx @ w22754

  • SerienRecorder 3.0.15

    Thx @ w22754

    robijay signature.gif

    " Errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum "

  • SerienRecorder 3.1.16

    thx @ MacDisein

  • Serien Recorder 3.2.2

    - The colors are no longer in the plugin defined but is taken from the skin of the Box
    - Support for UHD Skins

    bug fixes:
    - Cover can be reloaded
    - Auto-update problems fixed on boxes with DreamOS
    - No more crash if log path is no longer available
    - Key display now works correctly again

    thx @ MacDisein

    robijay signature.gif

    " Errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum "

  • Series Recorder 3.2.5

    New function:
    - New option to delete old backup files automatically

    - Changed behavior of event programming (unfortunately it still works quite right)
    - Log in Manual Search Full Width
    - Manual search can be left until after the end
    - Episode list contains hooks and cross instead Plus / Minus
    - Generalized error messages
    - Sendetermine cache disabled

    bug fixes:
    - Exception Handling in retrieving the Cover
    - Auto-update corrects functions

    thx @ MacDisein

  • Changelog Series Recorder 3.2.6

    thx @einfall and @w22754

    • Official Post

    SerienRecorder 3.6.0

    THX @MacDisein

    • Official Post

    SerienRecorder 3.7.0

    Neue Funktionen:

    CI Support bei der Tunerbeschränkung beim Auto-Check (Vielen Dank an hans13 für die Implementierung)
    Die zeitlichen Suchgrenzen für die EPG Suche können jetzt über den Punkt "EPG Suchgrenzen in Minuten" eingestellt werden (bisher fest 10 Minuten)
    Beim Auto-Check können jetzt Timer nur aus der TV-Planer E-Mail erstellt werden, es erfolgt kein Abgleich mit dem SerienSever ("Timer nur aus der TV-Planer E-Mail anlegen")
    Platzhalter Option für Cover - ist sie aktiviert, werden Platzhalter Dateien für die Cover angelegt, die nicht heruntergeladen werden konnten, so wird nicht immer wieder versucht ein nicht vorhandenes Cover zu laden. Sollte das Cover irgendwann aber doch verfügbar sein, muss die Platzhalter Datei manuell gelöscht werden.
    Altes Offline Handbuch (Help Ordner) komplett entfernt und durch das Online Handbuch ersetzt (HELP lang) - Vielen Dank an MartiWin7 die ausführliche Anleitung
    Such-Ansicht verbessert, wenn man weitere Ergebnisse nachlädt, wird jetzt automatisch der erste nachgeladene neue Treffer selektiert, so muss man nicht erst wieder durch die komplette Liste navigieren um zu den neuen Ergebnissen zu kommen.
    Neuer Skin (HD Border) für Fernseher mit Overscan (Danke an mn2000)
    Serien-Infos sind wieder verfügbar (Taste 4), sie stammen jetzt allerdings von TheTVDB und sind leider oft nicht so umfangreich wie von Wunschliste - gerade bei deutschen Serien sind die Infos oft fehlerhaft. Aber da jeder die Daten auf der Homepage von TheTVDB korrigieren kann, hoffe ich auf Besserung.
    Episoden-Liste und Episoden-Infos werden von The TVDB geholt
    Auto-Backup kann jetzt auch nach dem Auto-Check erstellt werden
    Timer Filter für Sendetermine
    Am Anfang des Auto-Checks werden jetzt alle Aufnahmeverzeichnisse geprüft, damit soll erreicht werden, dass die Festplatte bzw. das NAS aufwacht
    Es wird jetzt im Auto-Check auch ausgegeben wie viele Sender zugeordnet wurden
    Staffelauswahl am Serien-Marker verbessert - jetzt werden schon bei der Auswahl kollidierende Option abgeschaltet. Wenn z.B. "Alle" ausgewählt wird, werden alle andere Optionen automatisch abgewählt.


    Datenbank Funktionen in eine eigene Klasse refaktoriert.
    Optimierte Timer-Aktualisierung (mit verbesserter Logausgabe).
    Der Splash Screen wird bei FHD Skins jetzt größer angezeigt
    Es gibt jetzt zwei zusätzliche Logausgaben: "Timer konnte nicht gefunden werden" wenn z.B. der Timer manuell gelöscht wurde und "Sendung konnte nicht im EPG gefunden werden" wenn der EPG nicht aktuell ist - in beiden Fällen wird dann keine Aktualisierung durchgeführt.
    Geänderte Logausgabe (Anlegen/Löschen von Serien-Markern) und Rechtschreibfehler beseitigt.
    EPG Infos (der Sendung) werden jetzt wieder angezeigt, wenn man die Funktion "Serien-Marker anlegen" aus dem EPG nutzt.
    Serien-Marker Ansicht und Serien-Marker-Einstellungen in eigene Datei überführt
    Geänderte Defaultwerte für einige Einstellungen
    Serien-Marker Ansicht wird jetzt geöffnet wenn ein Marker durch den EPG oder Movieliste angelegt wurde
    Sender-Zuordnung kann jetzt auch wieder aus der Planer-Ansicht geöffnet werden
    Sendetermine Ansicht wird jetzt korrekt aktualisiert, nachdem ein manueller Timer angelegt wurde
    Einstellungen Ansicht zeigt jetzt die richtigen (alten) Werte an, nachdem man die Ansicht ohne Speichern beendet hat
    Cover in der Neue Serien/Staffel Ansicht werden jetzt korrekt geladen und angezeigt
    Aktualisierung von Timern verbessert (die Suche wird jetzt abgebrochen, sobald eine Sendung im EPG gefunden wurde)
    Bei der Erstellung oder Änderung von Timern wird dies im Timer Log protokolliert
    In Konflikt stehende Einstellungen sind jetzt ausgeblendet
    Code Cleanup
    Unterstützung von HTTPS bei der Kommunikation mit dem Serien-Server
    Kosmetische Anpassungen an Fehlermeldungen bzw. Dialogtitel
    "/" im Serienname wird jetzt durch Leerzeichen ersetzt um Probleme bei der Timererstellung bzw. Dateierstellung zu vermeiden
    Es konnte vorkommen, dass bei der Wahl mancher SerienRecorder Skins die Box nach dem Start des SerienRecorders nicht mehr bedienbar war, das lag vermutlich daran, dass ein FHD SerienRecorder Skin ausgewählt wurde, der Box Skin aber nur ein HD Skin war. In diesem Fall wird jetzt automatisch auf den "SerienRecorder 1" Skin zurückgeschaltet.
    Verbesserte Verfügbarkeitsprüfung beim Erstellen von Verzeichnis (Stichwort: NAS aufwecken)
    Begriff "Folgende" in der Staffelauswahl am Serien-Marker durch "Staffeln ab" ersetzt.
    Senderauswahl am Serien-Marker verbessert - jetzt wird bei der Auswahl eines Senders die Zeile "Alle" abgewählt und umgekehrt.
    Die Sendetermine Ansicht ist jetzt in ein anderes Modul umgezogen
    Die Tasten in der Sendetermine Ansicht werden jetzt immer korrekt angezeigt
    Die Taste 5 für den IMAP Test in der Serien-Planer Ansicht ist jetzt beschriftet
    Bezeichnungen der Optionen für die TV-Planer Funktionen angeglichen


    Möglicher Fehler beim Aktualisieren von Timern behoben
    Die blaue Taste in der Timer-Liste löscht jetzt nur die noch nicht abgearbeiteten Timer (vorher wurden leider alle Timer gelöscht)
    Verbessertes Exception Handling um Abstürze wegen fehlender nicht schreibbarer Logdatei zu verhindern
    Möglicher Crash beim Laden der Cover behoben
    Fehlerverhalten im Umgang mit der Datenbankdatei
    Falscher Defaultpfad für die Datenbank
    Möglicher Absturz bzw. falsche Verzeichnisse im Log beim Aktualisieren von Timern
    Falsche Default Auswahl der Sender am Serien-Marker in der Ansicht
    Spielfilm Marker werden wieder automatisch gelöscht
    Verzeichnis für Spielfilme korrigiert
    Fehler bei der Event-Programmierung behoben (Timer werden jetzt mit den korrekten Namen angelegt)
    Behandlung von Aufnahmeverzeichnissen für Spielfilme korrigiert

    Gelöschte Funktionen:

    Option "Staffel-Auswahl für neue Marker" aus den Einstellungen entfernt.
    Error-Log Option aus den Einstellungen entfernt
    Offline Handbuch (Help Ordner) entfernt
    Lokalisierung (Locale Ordner) entfernt


    Die Episoden-Liste und die Episoden-Infos sind jetzt wieder verfügbar - die Daten stammen von der TVDB, sind allerdings nicht so umfangreich wie von Wunschliste. Deswegen wurde das Design der Ansicht geändert - da TVDB keine Originaltitel liefert sind die Zeilen in der Episodenliste nicht mehr so hoch wie früher.
    Wie bereits bei den Covern und Serien-Infos erwähnt, fehlen oft Serien in der TVDB oder sind unvollständig. Es muss auch noch geprüft werden ob es noch Änderungen geben muss, weil TVDB die Specials mit Staffel 0 kennzeichnet, da wird es sicher Probleme mit den Timer-Einträgen in der SerienRecorder DB geben die ja von WL stammen - Feedback ist also erwünscht.
    Das Auto-Backup kann jetzt auch nach dem Auto-Check gemacht werden, dazu habe ich die Option in den Einstellungen geändert. Als neuer Standard ist jetzt das Backup vor dem Auto-Check immer aktiv. Bitte überprüft ob die Einstellungen zum Thema Backup mit der neuen Version noch stimmen.
    Man kann jetzt in den globalen Einstellungen in der Rubrik "GUI" einschalten, dass in der Sendetermine-Ansicht nur noch die Termine angezeigt werden, für die es noch keine Timer in der SerienRecorder Datenbank gibt. Es werden also bei aktivem Timer-Filter nur noch nicht aufgenommen Folgen in den Sendeterminen angezeigt. Die neue Option heißt "Timer Filter".
    Die Einstellungen werden jetzt standardmäßig immer in der Experten Ansicht geöffnet - so werden Verwirrungen über fehlende Einstellungen vermieden.
    Die neue Funktion "CI Support bei der Tunerbeschränkung beim Auto-Check" sorgt dafür, dass max. ein Tuner mit dem CI Modul belegt wird.
    Gibt es also zwei Sendungen zur gleichen Zeit die auf Sendern laufen die ein CI Modul benötigen, erkennt der SerienRecorder dies und versucht den Timer der zweiten Sendung zu einer anderen Zeit anzulegen.
    Diese "Konfliktbehandlung" ist bei allen Images nützlich bei denen das Image selbst diese Prüfung nicht durchführt (z.B. beim Original Dreambox Image).
    Die Funktion ist nur aktiv wenn es eine "/etc/enigma2/ci<n>.xml" (enthält die Zuordnung zwischen Sender und Modul) und im SerienRecorder die Tuner eingeschränkt wurden.
    Die Funktion "EPG Suchgrenzen in Minuten" verbessert die Suche im EPG weil auch Sendungen gefunden werden die gegenüber der WL Ausstrahlungszeit eine größere Abweichung hat. Wenn z.B. eine Sendung bei WL mit einer Startzeit von z.B. 3:20 Uhr angegeben ist, hat der SerienRecorder bisher mit +/- 10 Minuten versucht die Sendung im EPG zu finden (also zwischen 3:10 Uhr und 3:30 Uhr). War im EPG aber eine Startzeit von 3:32 Uhr angegeben, wurde sie vom SerienRecorder nicht gefunden um den Timer zu korrigieren. Durch die neue Option lässt sich der Suchbereich einstellen.
    Dies ist für diejenigen interessant die ihre Serien komplett bei Wunschliste verwalten wollen, also auch dort markieren welche Episoden sie bereits gesehen/aufgezeichnet haben. Die neue Funktion "Timer nur aus der TV-Planer E-Mail anlegen" sorgt dafür, dass der Suchlauf auf dem SerienServer übersprungen wird und nur die Timer erstellt die in der TV-Planer E-Mail vorhanden sind.
    • Official Post

    SerienRecorder 4.1.0

    • Official Post

    SerienRecorder 4.2.3

    New function:

    -Support for images with Python 3 (see Notes 1)

    -Confirmation dialog before the manual timer search (see note 2)

    -New option "Message on channel updates" (at start or after the auto check) (see note 4)

    -New option "Message in case of TV planner error" (see note 6)

    -New option "Message if program was not found in EPG" (see note 7)

    -New option "Prefer standard bouquet" (see note 8)

    -New option "timer description" or changes to "timer name" (see note 9)


    -AdvancedHTMLParser updated from version 8.1.4 to 9.0.1

    -Transparency activated for the column headings in the sender assignment (skin-dependent)

    -Load-intensive views are now loaded in a separate thread (image-dependent)

    -View settings revised and partially restructured (see Notes 5)

    -"Extent of settings" option removed, all setting options are now always displayed

    -The creation of a series marker must now be confirmed in the planner / Top 30 view

    -IMAP test revised (see note 3)

    -"Update screens immediately after changes" option removed from settings

    -The cache files for the planner / Top 30 data are no longer stored under / usr / lib / enigma2 / python / Plugins / Extensions / serienrecorder / tmp, but in the folder / var / cache / serienrecorder.

    -"Notification during search" renamed to "Message during timer search"

    -Removed the "When Scan Starts" option from the "Scan Notification" option because it was not working properly

    -"Notification of timer conflicts" renamed to "Notification of timer conflicts"

    -"Auto-Check" area renamed to "Timer Search"

    -"GUI" area renamed to "User Interface"

    -"Log" area renamed to "Logging"

    -"Scroll to the end" renamed to "Jump to the end"

    -The term "STB" (Set-Top-Box) has now been consistently renamed to "Box" in all messages and the user interface.

    -The term "Auto-Check" has now been consistently renamed to "Timer Search" in all messages and the user interface.

    -The value for the set EPG search limits is now output in the log

    -Output of the used box skin in the log

    -Box type detection improved

    -Revised log entries

    Bug fixes:

    -Bouquet selection in the settings also visible if you only have one bouquet on the box

    -If the log file cannot be created, the crash will no longer occur

    -In the series / season start view, the first line is now selected when the filter (yellow button) is switched.

    -In some situations timers were incorrectly corrected when the timer was created for a station in the alternative bouquet.

    -A timer could not be created later for a series "00" on the memo.

    -Correct behavior when using the ChoiceBox in the settings (see note 10)

    -Corrected option "Create timer only from TV planner email" (see note 11)

    -Settings for "deviating timer update from EPG" on the marker were not taken into account during the first update


    1.The serial recorder is now Python 3 compatible, so a lot of code had to be adapted.

    IMPORTANT: IMAP username and password have to be encrypted differently for technical reasons. If you switch to an image with Python 3, please re-enter both.

    2.Until now, the manual timer search was carried out immediately if the TV planner option was not active, now the start of the manual timer search must always be confirmed.

    3.During the IMAP test, the username and password are now also output in the log (every second character replaced by *). In addition, the names of the mailboxes were not displayed correctly so far, this has now also been corrected. From now on every step will be logged.

    4.An option in the settings can now be used to decide when the message about "Channel updates on the series server" should be displayed, previously the message was always shown when the series recorder was started, now it can also be displayed after the timer search.

    5.New areas for "Messages" and "TV Planner E-Mail"

    6.This notification is displayed if an error has occurred while accessing or processing the TV planner email (e.g. incorrect login).

    This is how you notice errors in the TV planner email directly and don't have to look at the log first

    7.This notification is displayed if the program was not found in the EPG when the timers were updated; this could be a sign that the program may have been temporarily removed from the program.

    8.If this option is activated and the program is broadcast on a station in the standard bouquet, the series recorder will still create a timer even if a timer has already been created for this program on a station in the alternative bouquet.

    In this way you can, for example, record a program again without advertising, for this all the advertising-free channels must be assigned to the standard bouquet and the others to the alternative bouquet.

    9.The timer name and now also the timer description can now be freely configured; the file "SerienRecorder.timer-pattern.json" is available under / etc / enigma2 /.

    Patterns can be defined in it in order to be able to create any timer name or description. The previous timer name options and others are already preset. For example, timer names can now be created without hyphens.

    10.In the VTI Image there is the possibility of opening the so-called ChoiceBox with the OK button and selecting the value from a list there. This led to the fact that the value was accepted correctly, but possibly existing sub-options were not shown or hidden in the settings. An example of this was e.g. when selecting the search type - where "at the selected time" the time sub-option should have been displayed.

    11.So far, the option "Create timer only from the TV planner email" could not be deactivated for certain series markers if it was activated globally. It was the other way around (globally deactivated but activated for certain markers) - this has now been corrected.

    THX @MacDisein

    • Official Post

    SerienRecorder 4.2.5

    MacDisein wrote

    After there was a crash when creating manual timers in release version 4.2.3, I just withdrew them and released a bug fix under version 4.2.5.

    Here are just the changes compared to version 4.2.5.

    -No crash when auto-update under Python3

    -No crash when creating manual timers

    -TV-Planner backup files and log files were not deleted correctly under certain circumstances


    -Unclear description for the option "Display duration for messages" improved

    • Official Post

    SerienRecorder 4.3.0

    New features:

    -New option "Sort box transmitters alphabetically in channel assignment" in the "User interface" area (see Note 1)

    -New option "Backup for manual timer search" (see Note 2)

    -The Serial Recorder web interface can now be installed from the settings (see Note 3)

    -The two standard series Recorder Skins (1 and 2) are now also available as FHD versions - thanks to @Marti_win7 (see Note 4)


    -Changed the regular expression for recording detection. (see Note 5)

    -The "Prefer Standard Bouquet" option now also includes manually created entries in the timer list.

    -For dates in the log, the day of the week is now also output.

    -The "Try to update timerfrom the EPG" option can now be enabled for a serial marker if it has been disabled globally.

    -The log is now output when the option "Try to update timers from the EPG" is deactivated globally.

    -When a new series marker is added, the Series Recorder now always reloads the cover from the Internet.

    -Directory selection completely revised (see Note 6)

    -Skins with "FHD" in the name can no longer be selected if an HD skin is active on the box.


    -Crash when calling the sender map with empty list is fixed.

    -No more crashes with manual timer creation when the "Prefer Standard Bouquet" option is enabled.

    -The option "Prefer standard bouquet" has also been taken into account if you only use one bouquet - this is now corrected.

    -The option "Try to update timers from the EPG" has been revised (see Note 7)

    -In rare cases, there has been a crash in global settings, which is now fixed.


    1.Until now, the list of box channels was sorted in the order in which the stations were sorted in the bouquet.

    Now you can switch to an alphabetical sort using the option in the global settings.

    This setting then also affects the sender assignment in the SeriesRecorder web interface.

    2.You can now decide via the option "Backup with manual timer search" whether or not a backup of the database, settings etc. should be made during a manual timer search.

    3.The option "Enable Serial Recorder Web Interface" is now always visible when it is activated for the first time, and the web-data folder does not exist, the serial recorder web interface is asked if it should be downloaded and installed.

    4.Marti_win7 was so nice and has adapted the two standard series recorder skins for FHD resolution. So there are now finally suitable skins when an FHD skin is active on the box.

    5.There was a change in the regular printout of the recordings based on the file name on the hard disk in the last release.

    However, this change meant that far fewer recordings were detected now - I have now revised the printout again and hope that it will work better now.

    6.The directory selection in the Series Recorder was not really intuitive. It showed that it was programmed incorrectly from the beginning. I've corrected the behavior now so that the directory selection is now behaving as you would expect.

    You now have to go to the folder to select it or create a new subfolder. Before deleting, there is now a warning and a reason is displayed in the event of an error.

    7.Although the option "Try to update timers from the EPG" was deactivated, timers from the EPG were updated.

    This has now been corrected, but the timers are still corrected by changed data on wish list.

    • Official Post

    SerienRecorder 4.4.0

    New function:

    -Built-in reminder to update serial marker names (see note 1)

    -Timer type can now be overwritten at the series marker (see note 2)

    -Manual entries in the timer list via the series recorder web interface are now added to the timer list with "Manually via the web interface !!" marked.

    -Additional functions built into the web interface - the web interface API version was changed to 2.2


    -No standby if the box is already in standby (see notes 3)

    -Episode list (key 5) revised (see notes 4)

    -Two causes of crashes defused

    -Messages revised

    . Timers of series with S00E00 can now also be updated from the EPG

    -If individual series were not to be updated from the EPG, some errors could result in an error message when updating

    I-m Log is now also recorded when the box is shut down, the previous entry when starting the box has also been changed.

    -Some log entries and texts in the settings have been updated

    Bug fixes:

    -The check of the station list (button has previously only taken into account the set standard bouquet, now all bouquets are always taken into account.

    -Fixed bug in skin "HD Border" (Thanks to @ Marti_win7)

    -Picons were not shown in some views and also in the web interface if they should not be loaded by ServiceRef but by name.


    1-The information of a series marker (name, year of production, etc.) is not updated automatically, but had to be updated manually with key 8, or was only updated when the database was updated during a series recorder update. Now, when opening the series marker view, a reminder is displayed if the names of the series marker have not been updated for more than 30 days.

    2- Previously, the timer type (recording, switching, etc.) could only be set globally, now you can set this setting for each series marker if required.

    ATTENTION: Follow the instructions for the update

    3-The serial recorder does not send the box to standby again after a timer search if it already is. So it shouldn't matter now whether you have set the option Action after the automatic timer search to None or Go to standby but the box is already in standby during the timer search.

    4-The episode list was previously based on the color scheme of the series recorder, i.e. red (not yet in the database), green (already in the database) or blue (timer available). Instead, symbols (green tick and red cross) were displayed, timers were not marked at all.

    Now the season / episode numbers are colored in the familiar color scheme and the familiar symbols (+, - and clock) are displayed in front of each line. This means that in this view you can now see for which episodes there are current timers.

    Notes on the update:

    - With this update the database is updated to version 4.4.0, the database is automatically updated in the background when the series recorder is started for the first time after the update. A backup is created automatically before the database is updated. Please check the log and check whether the database update has been carried out successfully.

    - There is a fundamental change in how the "Timer Type" settings are saved. Up to three configuration values were previously saved in the settings file, depending on the setting selected. This has now been simplified so that only one configuration value has to be saved. However, this has the consequence that the previous global setting for "Timer Type" has been reset to the standard "Record". This affects the users who have set a different setting than "record", please reset the value for "timer type" in the global settings after the update.

    - Additional modules may be required for the web interface, which are automatically installed when installing the IPK / DEB, so I recommend using the auto-update function of the serial recorder or manually using the IPK / DEB and not using the GitHubUpdater.

    • Official Post

    SerienRecorder 4.4.2

    New function:

    ● The option "Always create a timer if no repetition is found" can now be overwritten at the series marker. (see note 1)


    ● The age-old OpenWebIf from the VTI feed is supported again (see note 2)

    ● Changeover to the new TheTVDB API (v4) (see Notes 3)

    ● Minor text changes in the settings

    Bug fixes:

    ● Fixed a rare crash in the settings

    ● Fixed bug when loading Picons by name in the serial recorder web interface


    1. If you limit the times in which timers are created for this series at the series marker, it could happen that timers were created outside of these times.

    The reason was the global option "Always create a timer if no repetition is found" - if no repetition was found for the broadcast,

    the series recorder has created a timer anyway.

    Now you can switch off the option at the series marker so that only timers that are broadcast within the set time period are created.

    2. With the last release version, users of the ancient OpenWebIf from the VTI Feed could no longer open the serial recorder web interface.

    The reason was an additional parameter when initializing the serial recorder web interface.

    This had to be inserted so that the SeriesRecorder web interface could be opened in a new tab instead of in a new window via the Extras menu.

    Unfortunately, the old OWI is not compatible with this parameter and was therefore not initialized.

    Now that a change has been made in the OWI (version from May 19, 2021) I can distinguish in the series recorder whether it is the old or the new OWI

    and initialize the serial recorder web interface accordingly.

    3. In October all old API versions of TheTVDB will be switched off and only the paid version 4 can be used.

    Since the series recorder does not call the TVDB API directly, but everything is handled via the series server, the fundamental changeover has also taken place there.

    Version 4 of the TheTVDB API was completely redeveloped, which is why some things have changed so that the interface to the serial recorder also had to be adapted.

    Now all views that get data from TheTVDB should work correctly again.

    With version 4 of the TheTVDB API, data can no longer be called up specifically.

    This means that although there is more information in some places, the loading speed has deteriorated.

    The only positive change to the new API is the fact that you can now call up the covers in all languages and therefore a cover is actually available for almost every series.

    Notes on the update:

    ● With this update the database is updated to version 4.4.2, the database is automatically updated in the background when the series recorder is started for the first time after the update. A backup is created automatically before the database is updated. Please check the log and check whether the database update has been carried out successfully.

    • Official Post

    SerienRecorder 4.4.7

    New function:

    -TVDB-ID can now also be set in the search results view.

    -The year of production of the series is now also displayed in the memo and the timer list.

    -The web interface can now be removed via the serial recorder settings.


    -Entries in the timer list for which there is no TV series ID in the database can now be cleaned up correctly using the 8 key in the timer list.

    -Optimizations in the search in the EPG (it could happen that the same program was searched for several times).

    -Cover is not constantly reloaded in the series marker view, e.g. when navigating through the season selection popup.

    -The button Default values (red) in the serial recorder settings has been renamed to Reset.

    ]Bug fixes:

    - Fixed a crash when selecting a cover in the cover selection

    - Fixed a rare crash when installing the serial recorder web interface via the settings screen

    - Fixed crash during timer search if the year of production contains an x e.g. D 19XX- (see note 1)

    -Fixed error when shutting down the box after the timer search if the box was in standby.

    -Fixed bug with the timer update, it could happen that the timer was not updated correctly if the new start time was earlier than the start time in the timer.

    -Fixed bug when updating the timer, if only the end time changed, the timer was not updated.

    - Spelling errors and unsightly wording in the global settings view have been corrected.

    -Fixed bug in StyleFHD skin.

    -Fixed an error when entering the season in the timer list and the episode list.


    1. It is e.g. about the series Telekolleg Physik which has a somewhat strange production year D 19XX-,

    the serial recorder can now also handle the two XX.

    This way of specifying the year of production is found in some series.

    THX @MacDisein

  • SerienRecorder 4.5.0

    New functions:

    A channel check is now performed during the TV Planner search.

    In the series/season start view, the blue button now loads the series for all channels.

    New option "Compress backup files" to compress the backup files (see notes 1)

    In the openATV image from 7.1 there was a problem with the display of the picons in the series recorder (see notes 2)

    If you restrict the season at the series marker, the timer list will be cleaned up automatically if you want. (see notes 3)

    If you leave the view in the global settings without saving, you will now get a warning.

    New view for restoring deleted entries from the timer list. (see notes 4)

    In the series marker view you can use the bouquet/channel keys to jump through the initial letters, i.e. from A to B to C etc.


    In many places, the TV series ID is now used instead of the wish list ID.

    When doing a manual timer search, the directories are now also checked beforehand.

    The search results are now also displayed in color (green/red) if a series marker already exists for the series.

    Additional information is now displayed during the timer search, which hopefully helps with troubleshooting (see note 5).

    Changed the design of the broadcast dates view

    The option in the settings "Always create manual timers" has been renamed to "Always create manual timers".

    Colors used for series name or episode name were aligned in all views.

    Added titles in the Top 30 view: The series with the most views in the last 12 months.

    Revised channel mapping to use ServiceRef (almost) everywhere in SeriesRecorder. (see notes 6)

    Conflict handling of timers corrected (see note 7)

    Added check for changes to channel list in channel assignment (key 8) (see note 8)

    Setting/changing TVDB ID completely revised (see note 9)

    Improved behavior of changelog view when starting the series recorder.


    In rare cases it could happen that a timer was created but no entry was made in the timer list.

    Crash during timer search if the TV Planner email was activated and the SeriesServer was not reachable.

    Adjustments for openATV 7.1 - there were problems with the processing of the TV Planner e-mail.

    When switching between the Series Planner and the Top 30 view, the selection is reset.

    Fixed bug when adding entries to the timer list (episode list and timer list).

    No more boot loop when the web interface is completely removed, but the SeriesRecorder web interface is still activated.

    Creating manual timers from the SeriesRecorder web interface now works correctly again.

    Tags are now stored differently in the database to be compatible with Python 3.

    When saving the series marker settings via the web interface, the tags do not break anymore.


    1.If the option "Compress backup files" is active, a .tar.gz is made of the files from the backup,

    the directory structure is also kept, so it is easier to restore the backup.

    Another advantage is that the backups are much smaller, in my case 250 kB to 980 kB.

    Note that if you activate compression, only these files will be deleted automatically after x days,

    but not the folders that were created before, so you have to delete them manually.

    Of course, this also applies in the reverse case, when the compression is deactivated again at some point.

    2.If you use picons with transmitter names, the picon file had to be named the same as the transmitter.

    Now the file is additionally searched with a normalized norm.

    All spaces in the station name are removed and it is converted to lower case.

    So "Das Erste" becomes "daserste". This way the picons are found more reliably, because both variants are searched.

    Also, the default picon is now loaded correctly if no picon is found for the station.

    The default picon comes from the image skin: /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/picon_default.png.

    3.Timer list with season restriction works if you have activated a "from season" at the series marker.

    For example, if one has set "from season 3" and leaves the selection, SeriesRecorder asks:

    "Do you want to delete the timer entries for older seasons from the database?".

    If "Yes" is selected, all timer entries for seasons 2, 1 and 0 as well as "Specials" of this series will then be deleted automatically.

    Afterwards you will see how many entries have been deleted.

    If you have additionally selected other seasons, e.g. "Season 1" and "from Season 3", 2, 0 and Specials would be deleted.

    If "Specials" were activated, they will of course be kept.

    If season 0 is selected, the entries up to the selected episode are deleted from the timer list, if necessary.

    4.Restore deleted timer entries can be called from the timer list:

    Timer List (blue button) -> Edit Timer List (OK) -> Restore (blue button).

    There you have four functions: "Delete entry permanently" (red button), "Restore entry" (green button),

    "Restore all entries of the selected day" (yellow button) and

    "Restore all entries of the selected series" (blue button).

    5.It is checked whether the station specified in the e-mail is also assigned in the series recorder.

    If not, a corresponding message is displayed in the log.

    The channel ' xyz ' was found in the TV planner e-mail, but is not assigned in the series recorder.

    ' xyz ' - For this series marker the seasons are restricted - not all broadcast dates are considered.

    ' xyz ' - For this series marker the channels are restricted - not all broadcast dates are considered.

    194 broadcast dates for 41 series were retrieved from the series server.

    Considered are ' 143 ' broadcast dates for ' 35 ' series.

    Suitably also the output, if one uses the TV planner search run:

    ' 34 ' broadcast dates for ' 10 ' series were read from the TV Planner e-mail.

    24 broadcast dates for 9 series are taken into account.

    6.Previously, the station name was stored in the database in addition to the ServiceRef during station assignment in the SeriesRecorder.

    If the station name or the ServiceRef on the box changed, then the SeriesRecorder had problems.

    Due to the changes in this version, the channel name for the display is determined live from the channel list of the box.

    So you can also see in the channel assignment if there is a wrong channel due to a change of the ServiceRef.

    The web interface is not yet completely changed at this point.

    7.Apparently there was a problem with the timer search for quite a long time, if a timer conflict occurred.

    In this case a deactivated timer and an entry in the timer conflict list should have been created in the series recorder.

    But this apparently only worked sometimes and the deactivated timer was created with wrong pre- and post-run times.

    I have now completely reworked the creation of disabled timers, in case of a conflict.

    8.Since a while there was the possibility to check the channels with the key 8 in the channel assignment.

    But until now, it was only checked whether the channels assigned in the Series Recorder were still available in the channel list of the box.

    With this update I have extended the function, so that now also name changes and moves of stations are recognized.

    9.Change in entering the TVDB ID (for those who have the permission).

    Until now you could only enter the TVDB-ID manually in the SeriesRecorder,

    so you had to find out the TVDB ID in the web browser first and then enter it.

    Now the SeriesRecorder can also search for the name of the series at TheTVDB and the TVDB-ID can be selected comfortably.

    THX @MacDisein

    • Official Post

    SerienRecorder 4.6.0

    New functions:

    • Entries in the UNDO list that are older than 30 days are now deleted during automatic scanning
    • Recording directories are now normalized, so e.g. /hdd/movie and /hdd/movie/ are recognized as the same
    • Timers that should not be added to the SeriesRecorder database are now shown in the statistics after the search run
    • Picons are now also loaded for IPTV channels, if there is none, it tries to load the corresponding picon of the DVB channel
    • In the broadcast dates view not allowed seasons can be displayed alternatively in gray
    • Additional timer name "Seriename_S01E01_Episodenname" (see note 1) (for this the file '/etc/enigma2/SerienRecorder.timer-pattern.json' must be deleted)
    • New option 'Always create notepad timer' - notepad timers will be created even if a timer has already been created for the episode


    • The changelog screen has been reworked, the changes are now displayed more nicely
    • The update screen was reworked
    • Log screen has been reworked, entries are now highlighted in color
    • In the skins the graphic for the line selection was removed, so that now the standard selection is used
    • Entries in the timer list are now deleted via the ID, so if there are several identical entries, they are no longer all deleted
    • Search in EPG optimized
    • When updating timers, the channel is now displayed in the log instead of the recording path
    • Code for the creation of timers unified - so the timers are also created with the openATV image with the correct timer type
    • In the settings (global/marker) the possible selection for the timer type is now determined depending on the used image


    • Fixed an error when saving the TV Planner settings in the web interface
    • Sorting of the timer list for a series marker in the web interface was corrected
    • Error loading tags on series marker in old format was fixed
    • Jumping to the next initial letter in the series marker view now works correctly even when sorting by "wish list" rules
    • Fixed encoding of tags
    • It could happen that an episode was not found in the timer list and then another timer was created
    • Cleaning up the timer list during season selection also deleted specials in a certain situation, although they were still selected
    • Selection color in the channel assignment corrected
    • Timers are now also created again with the current openATV 7.x version
    • Fixed an error when setting the default database path
    • The option "Prefer default bouquet" caused a crash when searching for series without entries in the timer list
    • Tags on series marker no longer cause crash when creating timers
    • Fixed a bug when creating manual timers from the web interface
    • Fixed a sporadic HTML error in the TV Planner email

    There is now an additional selection option for the timer name (series name_S01E01_episode name).
    For the new entry to appear in the settings, the file '/etc/enigma2/SerienRecorder.timer-pattern.json' must be deleted.
    The file will be recreated at the next startup and will then contain the new timer name.

    • Official Post

    SerienRecorder 4.7.0

    This version provides the SerienRecorder API version 2.10.
    An update to the SerienRecorder web interface version 1.5.0 should be carried out.

    New functions:

    Errors are highlighted in red in the log
    "Edit TVDB-ID dialog" revised (see note 1)
    New option "Automatic" for "Action after automatic timer search" (see note 2)

    Improved error handling if the database cannot be found
    Log entry if OpenWebIf and standard web interface are installed
    Improved channel mapping (see note 3)
    Check directories only once for manual timers
    Extended logging when initializing the database

    No crash when deleting from the notepad
    Incorrect behavior with event programming fixed (see note 4)
    Fixed incorrect behavior with S00E00 episodes with the same title (see note 5)

    1. If the "Without TVDB ID" filter is active in the series and season start view,
    you can now use the bouquet buttons to switch to the next series without TVDB-ID when setting the TVDB-ID.
    2. It is now possible to set the option "Automatic" under "Action after automatic timer search".
    The serial recorder then shuts down the box again when it has started it for the automatic timer search.
    In all other states or if the box has been operated after starting, the serial recorder does nothing.
    3 .The channel assignment has been improved, the bouquet name is now displayed in the channel selection.
    In addition, the first line is no longer empty, but now shows "-- No assignment --".
    4. If the individual episodes were also found in the search period in addition to the event, the series recorder
    has created a timer for the event in addition to the timers for the individual episodes.
    5. In the case of episodes with S00E00 and the same title, the series recorder terminated processing prematurely during the timer search
    prematurely and only created one timer regardless of the settings.

    Thanks MacDisein

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