re-sharing question

There are 19 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,352 times. The last Post () by davvo.

  • im a bit confused on the re-sharing side of things, if say i have 20 shares, but i only want to reshare 10 of them with a certain fellow sharer, how would i do that, i know that if i put 1 or 2 in the max share on cam lines manager that restricts things on my side but does that only restrict my local or the other 20 shares i have, if that makes sense, i know what i,m wanting to say but struggling to put it down in words

  • I'm not really sure what your trying to do here bud, the people you share with (your peers) will control the reshare of the lines they give out at their end..... if someone gives you a line which allows reshare up to hop 3 then that's up to them. You can decide yourself whether you give reshare from your own card (local) to your peers. Are you trying to control what shares you give out even though they are not all yours to begin with????


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  • basically yes as i was thinking the more a share gets shared then the more likeliness of channels freezing is that right? or is that down to the hops?
    so i was thinking if i only re-share 10 of the 20 shares they would be better quality?

    i,m confusing myself pal lol

  • The amount of times a share can be reshared is controlled by hops..... anything over hop 3 is going to give you problems....

    But to be honest when you are sharing, unless your prepared to give a peer who you share your card with access to all the channels it opens then I think you would struggle to find peers in the first place...... choosing who you share with is the most important part of all.....


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  • So am I right in thinking that out of my 20 shares I set it to only two re-shares and two hops max for all and I get the same back then we should all be happy, but I and my peers could set there's to no re shares, I suppose you decide that between each other

  • If you want to control shares better aswell as reshare then you need to run an oscam for a server, then you can give the shares groups and assign groups to the users also control who can and cant reshare a specific share and go as far as sid assign specific channels if need be ,so you can swap individual channels ,a lot more control and less chance of loosing peers that might take a hammering in the likes of cccam if they have good ecm times , oscam will also cache the ecm so if 20 people are watching sk spts 1 lets say and it comes from a peers card they wont get 20 hits

  • Cheers pal I'll have a look at the tutorials, I've only just got my head round ccam

    - - - Updated - - -

    Is oscam most complicated out of all of them all, I've looked on tutorials, is there an easy to follow one ?

  • Cheers pal I'll have a look at the tutorials, I've only just got my head round ccam

    - - - Updated - - -

    Is oscam most complicated out of all of them all, I've looked on tutorials, is there an easy to follow one ?

    oscam is a a bit harder than cccam but you can back up your configs incase you make a mess while playing if you are starting you might aswell go oscam and learn once than go to cccam and learn again ,by the sounds of your original question oscam is what you need cccam is a free for all meal deal 99p bargain bucket


  • Site has gone down then back up maybe you were posting while down

    thanks steve.

    Ok ill try again lol..

    After reading what monkified was saying about the reshares and if he was only wanting to reshare 10 of his 20, this can be done via the fline given to the user.

    Example given here.

    F: user pass 2 0 0 { 0:0:2,09cd:000000,09c8:000000 }
    what happens here is the two caids shown in the brackets will not be seen by the user this can be done with any known caids provider that the sender of the fline wants to block the use seeing these caids hence this will then stop that share going to that fline.

    the original text i did before did have alot more info example if Via provider is used lol..
    if you can see what the example means then all good, if you need a bit more input then feel free to say here.

    regards Talks.

    Edited once, last by Talks ().

  • you write it like this to block particular provider

    F: user pass 2 0 0 { 0:0:0, 0963:0:0 }

    this allows your peer to see all hops up to a value of 2 hops. It also allows no reshare and blocks the caid 0963 from his viewing

    and to block single channels like this

    first line blocks setanta sports 1

    2nd line blocks setanta sports 1 and premier sports

    F: user pass 2 0 0 { 0:0:2, 0963:000000:1 } { 0963:000000:C7A8 }

    F: user pass 2 0 0 { 0:0:2, 0963:000000:1 } { 0963:000000:C7A8, 0963:000000:C7A9 }

    what the text above means

    2 0 0 = how many hops away
    0:0:2 = can watch himself and share once
    0963:000000:1 = gets all the card
    { 0963:000000:C7A8 } = blocks a single channel
    { 0963:000000:C7A8, 0963:000000:C7A9 } = blocks 2 channels

    Edited 4 times, last by davvo ().

  • Thanks for the posts lads but ive got him going on oscam lastnight its the way forward and a hell of a lot more versatile than cccam the way things are and the speed of change these days , sorry these were not seen as we were busy at the time


  • that looks easy ish pal thanks lol I may try that one day if it all keeps going

    It will keep going its been the end for so long now and been said every time things change


    - - - Updated - - -

    I predict that the next issue is going to be cards not updating again , part 2 of the cat and mouse games

  • Thanks for the posts lads but ive got him going on oscam lastnight its the way forward and a hell of a lot more versatile than cccam the way things are and the speed of change these days , sorry these were not seen as we were busy at the time


    Hi Stevjo.
    Its all good to share decent info to help others, I have a oscam server aswell,, and if poss you say oscam is alot more versatile then cccam then i need a bit of input here please if you can give the ways to block providers that i dont want from a server in oscam but want his hops and reshare..
    thanks for any info given ..

    regards Talks.

  • same as post 14 but for oscam

    block particular provider in oscam
    for a single user
    dont give him particular caid in oscam.user
    so if you dont put say 0963
    he wont get any channels from 0963


    block single channels from a single user
    in oscam.user

    block sly news hd from a single user


    services = !sly_news

    caid = 0963
    srvid = 0f0a

    that user is now getting all the card except sly news hd

    Edited 3 times, last by davvo ().

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