My first tutorial with info on how i got everything to work with oscam

There are 5 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 4,786 times. The last Post () by bodiddly.

  • # I have tried everything for days now and when I now finally have
    # all I need in place I hope some of you can use my information so that
    # all your children in their rooms gets to see som nice programs for children
    # as you have fun with your new girl friend :) I have one VU+SOLO2 downstairs
    # as a server with OpenPLi-4.0-beta-vusolo2-20141226_usb image. First I installed
    # scam softcam and then the only version of oscam that is found through the images plugins
    # Restart and all the oscam files were in directory etc/tuxbox/config/oscam/
    # Now they are modified to what you see in this, my first tutorial ever. I don´t understand*
    # all but I am learning fast. One client box is upstairs and its a first version of DM800 HD and there I
    # have installed a openpli image with cccam. And then one VU+SOLO with Blackhole some version
    # and cccam. All now up and working with both normal and HD- channels and the works :) I changed
    # all the vital names and ports in this tutorial but this is a working system for me now

    # working oscam.conf file with possibility for clients to use for
    # example cccam on given monitored port

    nice = -1
    WaitForCards = 1
    disablelog = 0
    disableuserfile = 0
    usrfileflag = 0
    maxlogsize = 1000
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1
    lb_mode = 0
    unlock_parental = 1

    logfile = /var/log/oscam/oscam.log
    usrfile = /var/log/oscam/oscamuser.log
    cwlogdir = /var/log/oscam/cw

    port = xxxxx
    nocrypt =
    hideclient_to = 15
    monlevel = 4
    appendchaninfo = 0

    httpport = xxxxx
    httpuser = root
    httppwd = Password
    httprefresh = 20
    httpallowed =

    enabled = 1
    pmt_mode = 6
    au = 1
    user = dvbapiau
    boxtype = dreambox

    port = 13500
    reshare = 3
    version = 2.2.1
    nodeid = 0A0B0C0D0E0F1215
    reshare_mode = 1

    #oscam.dvbapi looks like this#

    enabled = 1
    au = 1
    user = localuser
    boxtype = dreambox

    #oscam.provid file is this short and not many things I need in it but I think it´s not that important

    0100:00006A|CDS NL[S3]||Dutch
    0100:00006B|CDS NL[S3]
    0100:00006D|TeléSAT [S3]|FrenchBe
    0500:040810|SGR Suisse [V4]|13.0E|Swiss
    0500:040820|SGR Suisse [V4]|13.0E|Swiss
    0500:040830|SGR Suisse [V4]|13.0E|Swiss
    0500:042800|BIS TV [V4]|13.0E|French
    0500:042A00|CanalSAT [V4]|19.2E|French
    0500:042A10|CanalSAT [V4]|19.2E|French

    # oscam.server file is important and my old, and new card did not work
    # in the same VU+SOLO2 untill I found out that I needed to have two
    # different local reader configurations and this is how it finally worked
    # like a charm :)I wanted to show one possible way to keep
    # "upstairs" and "downstairs" users and myself as the king separated using the groups.
    # When the clients use cccam, they only have to put a C:line in cccam.cfg for
    # example C: 13500 user_gets_both_local cards_groups_1_&_2 yes
    # This user gets both local cards. If you modify it to client with oscam softcam the
    # oscam.server file in the clients end shold look this way, but when the protocol is cccam
    # maybe the port should be 13500 :)


    # By the way the label of the particular reader
    # can be what ever that helps you understand and control what you are using just now.
    # When the reader is working the label is shown if you want it to show on the screen.

    # OK. This is were the servers oscam.server starts and it includes two other servers
    # upstairs or downstairs with cards of their own that only I can use among my users.
    # I am the only user with rights to group 3

    label = CanDig_down_OLDer_card
    enable = 1
    protocol = internal
    device = /dev/sci0
    detect = cd
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,15
    audisabled = 0
    mhz = 357
    cardmhz = 2700
    ratelimitecm = 4
    ratelimittime = 9000
    srvidholdtime = 2000
    ecmunique = 1

    label = CanDig_up_NEWer_card
    Protocol = internal
    detect = CD
    device = /dev/sci1
    group = 2
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    n3_rsakey = B
    n3_boxkey = A
    mhz = 368

    enable =1
    protocol =newcamd
    key =2828282828282828282828282828
    user =meonly_dvbapiau_local_user
    password =in_group3
    group =3
    inactivitytimeout =1
    reconnecttimeout =30
    lb_weight =100
    cccversion =2.1.2
    cccmaxhops =5
    cccwantemu =1
    ccckeepalive =1

    enable =1
    protocol =newcamd
    key =2828282828282828282828282828
    user =meonly_dvbapiau_local_user
    password =in_group3
    group =3
    inactivitytimeout =1
    reconnecttimeout =30
    lb_weight =100
    cccversion =2.1.2
    cccmaxhops =5
    cccwantemu =1
    ccckeepalive =1

    # oscam.srvid file looks like this but I am not shore if it is right
    # but my system works better than ever, waiting for my first monthly update
    # with my fingers crossed :)

    0B00:000000:1132 SVT1 (C)
    0B00:000000:1133 SVT2 (C)
    0B00:000000:0A8F SVTB
    0B00:000000:0ED9 SVT 1 HD
    0B00:000000:0581 SVT 2 HD
    0B00:000000:057D TV4 HD
    0B00:000000:0A92 Kunskapskanalen
    0B00:000000:0A98 SVTB/SVT24
    0B00:000000:0642 TV4 SWE
    0B00:000000:0444 Kanal 4
    0B00:000000:1BFD TV 4 Guld
    0B00:000000:1BFE TV 4 Komedi
    0B00:000000:1A91 Kanal 5HD
    0B00:000000:4656 Kanal 5 HD syn
    0B00:000000:089D Kanal 5 SWE
    0B00:000000:083C Sjuan
    0B00:000000:073A TV 8 SWE
    0B00:000000:1BF8 Kanal 9 HD
    0B00:000000:465B Kanal 9 HD syn
    0B00:000000:089E Kanal 9
    0B00:000000:42BA Kanal 9
    0B00:000000:4657 Kanal 9 syn
    0B00:000000:45F1 Kanal 5
    0B00:000000:4655 Kanal 5 syn
    0B00:000000:0B6C Kanal 5 HD
    0B00:000000:083B Kanal 11
    0B00:000000:1BB4 TV 12 HD
    0B00:000000:0A8E SVT 1
    0B00:000000:0BD4 Nord
    0B00:000000:0BD5 Västerbotten
    0B00:000000:0BD6 Mitt
    0B00:000000:0BD7 Dalarna
    0B00:000000:0BD8 Värmland
    0B00:000000:0BD9 Tvärs
    0B00:000000:0BDA Väst
    0B00:000000:0BDB Öst
    0B00:000000:0BDC Småland
    0B00:000000:0BDD Syd
    0B00:000000:0BDE Gävleborg
    0B00:000000:0BDF Jämtland
    0B00:000000:0BE0 Jönköping
    0B00:000000:0BB9 SVT 2
    0B00:000000:0BBA Nord
    0B00:000000:0BBB västerbotten
    0B00:000000:0BBC Mitt
    0B00:000000:0BBD Dalarna
    0B00:000000:0BBE Värmland
    0B00:000000:0BBF Tvärs
    0B00:000000:0BC0 Väst
    0B00:000000:0BC1 Öst
    0B00:000000:0BC2 Småland
    0B00:000000:0BC3 Syd
    0B00:000000:0BCF Gävleborg
    0B00:000000:0BD0 Jämtland
    0B00:000000:0BD1 Jönköping

    # oscam.user file of mine looks this way, and localy I am first with the
    # local user all group :) rights 1,2,3 = user dvbapiau local user and two of my children
    # gets both cards and one gets the old, and one gets the new and so on.

    user = dvbapiau
    pwd =
    disabled = 0
    group = 1,2,3
    au = 1

    user =user_gets_both_local
    pwd =cards_groups_1_&_2
    group =1,2
    cccmaxhops =3
    cccreshare =0

    user =one_more_gets
    pwd =both_local_cards
    group =1,2
    cccmaxhops =3
    cccreshare =0

    user =one_gets_only
    pwd =the_local_old_card
    group =1
    cccmaxhops =3
    cccreshare =0

    user =this_gets_only
    pwd =the_local_new_in_upper_reader
    group =2
    cccmaxhops =3
    cccreshare =0


  • oscam.conf [webif] got this small change to get the local ( =VU+SOLO2) plugin oscam monitor to work. I am using also the android oscam monitor in my phone to keep me up to date, and that works from where ever I am :)

    httpallowed =,

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