Using mytube (youtube) plugin

    • Official Post

    How to use MYTUBE (tutorial based on VTi 2.1 OE1.6)

    This plugin allows you to view Youtube feeds directly on your TV screen. You can see feeds by category or search them.

    On images that are based on firmware OE1.6 you may need to overwrite the following files to fix the search feature.


    Make sure the files are exectubale via chmod 755

    Fix files :download:

    To start the plugin (if its installed) press and hold the BLUE button and select 'My TubePlayer'

    This is the inital screen, from here there are several options.

    Press MENU and your are able to alter settings for the plugin.

    here you can change the players behaviour, where it stores the cached data and how it starts up/shuts down.

    On the startup screen you are presented with the search facility

    Use the numeric keypad of your remote control to edit the text which you wish to search for. Use < > to delete incorrect typing.

    The list will show search results, highlight with UP and DOWN the video of your choice and press OK to play.

    The YELLOW button will show your search history, Press YELLOW again and it will go back to the screen you were on previously.

    Press the BLUE button for the VIRTUAL KEYBOARD

    Use the LEFT , RIGHT, UP and DOWN keys to type your search text, Press RED to delete, Press GREEN when you are done to search for the text.

    Your other options is to view the feeds with video images in a list.

    Press EXIT and you will be asked if you wish to quit or switch to the Movie list

    Press GREEN to select from a category

    The program will list your selection. HD Videos were selected in my example

    Now Play the video by pressing OK on the remote control

    Press STOP or EXIT to stop playing the video, you will be prompted for the next action

    Whilst in PLAY mode, pressing EPG brings up the review window

    From the feeds menu list pressing MENU will bring up a dialog box that asks you several questions, whether to view items realted to the video you highlighted, videos posted in responce to the original, downlaod the video to HDD and view downloads in progress.

    Upon choosing to download a video you will be presented the list of video's again. Press MENU to see the download progress window

    The video is saved to your MOVIE or RECORDING folder and is avaliable to MEDIA PLAYER to play

    Credit to the original author Mick.

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