Unbuntu install failed, I think

There are 9 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 419 times. The last Post () by monkified.

  • Followed installation to the letter, installed grub, when rebooted I get the message

    Wait he ready failed
    Reset failed
    Link layer intialization failed init he failure
    Intialization failed

    When I press enter it goes to login, I login and get the message
    97 packages can be updated
    56 are security updates

    Kev@hp-pc :~$

    I've turned comp on and off but just get this every time, I thought it would give me the option to boot windows or linux, I don't know much but as the installation failed

  • If your able to login then Unbuntu has installed......

    Try these commands to run the updates......

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get upgrade


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  • where did you install grub to? if you didnt change the default path it should be ok, and you'll only get an option to boot into windows if you had it installed before ubuntu, installing windows after will cause all sorts of boot problems using grub.

    110cm Triax Dish multi arm 13,16,19, 23, 28 east fixed 90cm thor

  • Windows 7!was already installed I just followed the instructions on the tutorial, I've just installed /upgraded with the instructions you gave me and rebooted, Seems to have gone ok, I log back in and get

  • then your set to go as mckee said earlier
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    i would also install ssh sudo apt-get install ssh
    if you get sudo isnt found error
    reboot the machine and on startup hold the tab key, this will take you to the grub recovery screen, you will see your windows install there as well, but ignore that for now :)
    scroll down to recovery and then select check file system, this will mount the system /rw , then select login as root, you can then add yourself to the sudoers group
    adduser sudo whatever your name is or it could be adduser whatever your name is sudo sorry its been a while from ive done it
    reboot the system and it should go to the grub screen again, select ubuntu or windows, you may get a windows mbr error

    let the updates run it might take a while depending on the speed of the pc and and internet connection

    110cm Triax Dish multi arm 13,16,19, 23, 28 east fixed 90cm thor

  • Thanks will have a go tomorrow :thumb:

    - - - Updated - - -

    update, ive got as far as the new root password
    ive put in sudo passwd root and entered my new password
    rebooted the system.

    ive tried installing ccamoscam with my username but it does not install its say i have to be root.

    i can log in on the computer thats unbuntu is installed on as root but not through winSCP or putty
    just comes up access denied
    but if i sign in as a user it lets me in?
    whats all that about?
    could it be the file protocol is wrong, It says SFTP, is this right, ive changed it but its still the same (denied)

    i still get this message aswell when booting up
    Wait he ready failed
    Reset failed
    Link layer intialization failed init he failure
    Intialization failed

    - - - Updated - - -

    i managed to get past the bit i was stuck with, in putty used the command sudo -i to get to root and the oscam/ccam installed fine, so now i can log into oscam/ccam webif page:thumb:
    onwards and upwards

    Edited 5 times, last by monkified ().

  • take a look at this http://tinyurl.com/kkxy22p for enabling root ssh access 14.04 is weird like that
    your other error seems to be hardware related, unplug anything unnecessary, you really only need a network cable and the power lead.
    if your still getting an error and really want rid of it, make a usb install stick using unetbootin and install ubuntu in expert mode, just follow the steps its easy enough
    when you get to the driver install, choose all available, hopefully that cures it

    110cm Triax Dish multi arm 13,16,19, 23, 28 east fixed 90cm thor

  • you should always update, most of them are for security, if you get that error when you update but everything is running fine you usually find the next batch of updates will fix it.

    im away to malta for a week, by the time im back you will be flying along, it takes a while to get your head around it, but if you do have a problem and you google it and find a solution, try reading a few answers and dont just blindly follow a cut and paste job, it will give you a better understanding of whats going on

    happy linuxing :)

    oh i nearly forgot, install webmin, it will make life easier for you :)

    110cm Triax Dish multi arm 13,16,19, 23, 28 east fixed 90cm thor

    Edited once, last by multipack ().

  • how do you manage to change the sshconfig file when your not allowed to change it unless your root, am i doing it right trying to change the file connecting by winSCP or do i connect using putty

    - - - Updated - - -

    after many hrs, I've done it, that was driving me nuts, and for anyone that don't know how to enable the root account, so you can login as root on WinSCP
    :~# sudo passwd -u root
    :~# sudo passwd root
    :~# su
    :~# nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    edit line 28 from...
    PermitRootLogin without-password
    PermitRootLogin yes
    Save changes and exit...Then restart SSH...
    :~# service ssh restart

    Now you can login via SFTP as root.
    once you've done what you want to do, change the config back to original

    - - - Updated - - -

    i,m buzzin here, just updated Oscam to the one I've been using with Simplebuild from tutorial on here

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