spoof ethernet to use wifi on android

  • ok some of you may have noticed that some apps wont work if you are using ethernet,but the same app will work over wifi

    so this is what you need

    download xposed framework from aptoide (the one you are looking for is blue with 2 jigsaw pieces)

    then open up the program goto framework and install (should say missing) then reboot wetek

    again goto aptoide and download hacked connectivity service

    run file and basically theres 2 option one is to activate the hack and the other is activate wifi hack or mobile hack

    then go back to xposed and display modules
    in there should be you module hack connectivity service ,put a tick at the right

    then do another reboot

    all this does is spoof your wetek into thinking its on wifi and not ethernet

    tested this on the directv app and now works over the ethernet were before it was wifi only may work for other apps im sure it will come in handy for some

    be carefull as there is some risk it could not work (but did on mine) so i take no responsibilty if it bricks but im sure a simple upload of the firmware will fix it

  • master G

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