openvix how to add useragent on iptv streams hls

There are 5 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,988 times. The last Post () by misk.

  • hi guys so i got my iptv streams channels with hls and it works ok but 1-2 min picture stops so friend founhd a solution he told that i need to add user agent

    like :http-user-agent="AppleCoreMedia/ (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en_us)"

    anyone who could help me is there possibilty to add this on my bouquet settings hls with useragent.

    because with useragent streams work without picture stops
    using openvix hades

    Edited once, last by misk ().

  • you cant add a user-agent to bouquet that i know of

    you can add user-agent to a .sh script
    or plugin with python

    you can use a user-agent with wget to download to /hdd
    let it stream for a few mins then watch it via your hdd

    telnet this


    wget --user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/11.0" -O "/hdd/movie/stream.flv"

    stream.flv in /hdd/movie
    play it as it streams

    Edited 7 times, last by davvo ().

  • What on earth makes you think that by adding a User Agent to a stream it will prevent stops and stutters ?

    A User Agent is simply a method to spoof the site you are connecting to that you are indeed using a device that the stream was intended for.

    If the stream plays without any User Agent being added then the stream is not device specific.However there is a slight chance that by using a User Agent you are telling the site that you are using a mobile device,so the site may restrict the stream bandwidth to a lesser quality and as a consequence may help with the freezes,but who wants to watch anything in 280p ?

    Basically your HLS stutters and freezes are simply caused by the ancient and incredibly outdated gstreamer 0.36 version that is standard on E2 boxes.
    E2 gstreamer has not been updated in over 10yrs,but streams have moved on in that time. Some HLS content will play with gstreamer although not much, and all that do play will freeze and jump out of sync and no HDS will play at all.

    Until gstreamer is updated to the 1.xx version being developed and tested by the likes of Pli,you will have to use alternative methods such as Livestreamer,but be aware that Livestreamer is written in python rather than C++ and python believe it or not is very CPU intensive,so dont expect good results from such as HDS on gen 1 boxes. Gen 2 boxes do cope though.


    Edited 7 times, last by ian1095 ().

  • tested it on vlc without useragnt and streams stops, tested with useragent in it works pretty good without any ilaggs.

    vix hades has 1.4.5 gstreamer i also got livestream witch is turnned on toooo

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