Oscam Al Jazeera Sport Viaccess 4.0

There are 8 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 4,400 times. The last Post () by asuda01.

  • Hello im trying to read my via 4 jsc card in oscam it sees the card there but doesnt read the entitlements

    0x9e012f8 r 1 jsc ON OFF 0 pcsc 11.10.11 18:52:27 00:01:31 0000:0000 no data 00:01:31 CARDOK (no entitlements)

    here is the oscam panel log

    2011/10/11 18:52:27 0 s http thread started
    2011/10/11 18:52:27 0 s reader check thread started
    2011/10/11 18:52:27 0 s check thread started
    2011/10/11 18:52:27 0 s creating thread for device 0
    2011/10/11 18:52:27 9E012F8 r reader jsc initialized (device=0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
    2011/10/11 18:52:27 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
    2011/10/11 18:52:27 0 s waiting for local card init
    2011/10/11 18:52:28 0 jsc card detected
    2011/10/11 18:52:28 9E012F8 r jsc ATR: 3F 77 18 00 00 C2 7A 42 02 68 90 00
    2011/10/11 18:52:30 9E012F8 r [viaccess-reader] using ecm #602 for long viaccess ecm
    2011/10/11 18:52:30 9E012F8 r type: Viaccess (standard atr), caid: 0500, serial: 322XXXXXX
    2011/10/11 18:52:30 9E012F8 r providers: 3 (FFF920,042400,042410)
    2011/10/11 18:52:30 9E012F8 r [viaccess-reader] ready for requests
    2011/10/11 18:52:30 9E012F8 r found cardsystem viaccess
    2011/10/11 18:52:30 9E012F8 r [viaccess-reader] card detected
    2011/10/11 18:52:30 9E012F8 r [viaccess-reader] serial: 322XXXXXX
    2011/10/11 18:52:31 9E012F8 r provider: 1, id: FFF920, name: ALJAZEERA SPORT, sa: C0286657, geo: empty
    2011/10/11 18:52:31 9E012F8 r provider: 2, id: 042400, name: ALJAZEERA SPORT, sa: C0286657, geo: FF FF FF FF
    2011/10/11 18:52:32 9E012F8 r provider: 3, id: 042410, name: ALJAZEERA SPORT, sa: C0286657, geo: FF FF FF FF
    2011/10/11 18:52:32 0 s init for all local cards done

    any ideas where im going wrong?

  • yeah it works fine mate ive had it reading in newcs for ages i have all the entitlements on the but oscam isnt reading the entitlements

    if i turn new cs on now i can read the entitlements in there

    Entitlements for card 0
    | Provider | Class/Theme | From | To | Name |
    | 042400 | 02 | 2011-09-21 | 2012-09-21 | ALJAZEERA SPORT
    | 042400 | 10 | 2011-09-21 | 2011-12-31 | ALJAZEERA SPORT
    | 042400 | 80 | 2011-09-21 | 2011-09-27 | ALJAZEERA SPORT

    i just dont understand why oscam wont read them

  • ive just tried it with my last years card also via 4 same problem no entitlements shown

    i haven't a clue where to go from here :waaaht:

    as you are using a omnikey the above config will not work for you , try with this one .


    nice = -1
    WaitForCards = 1
    ClientTimeout = 5
    CacheDelay = 120
    logfile = /usr/local/etc/oscam.log

    Key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    Port = 15001@0500:042400,042410,fff920
    keepalive = 1

    httpport = 16002
    httpuser = root
    httppwd = jsc
    httprefresh = 10
    httpallowed =,


    label = JSC
    Protocol = pcsc
    device = 0
    mhz = 600
    cardmhz = 600
    Group = 1
    EMMCache = 1,3,2
    caid = 0500
    ident = 0500:042400,042410,fff920
    ecmwhitelist = 0500@042400,042410,fff920:2F,2A


    user = test1
    pwd = test2
    group = 1
    AU = JSC
    caid = 0500
    ident = 0500:042400,042410,fff920

    in CCcam.cfg

    N: test1 test2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

  • hi thanks i had changed all the reader settings for omnnikey still shows no entitlements in oscam


    N: test1 test2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

    1 small mistake use the N line below , as in your post above you show a log with the pcsc as recognised .

    N: 15001 test1 test2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

    now restart oscam .

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