VPS Service + oscam installation

There are 5 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,011 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • Hi Guys,

    I want to install oscam on a ubuntu server and I was wondering if anyone can recommend me a reliable vps service to subscribe to.

    Also whats the best pratice to install oscam? I have read a lot of threads on the forum. Some people use the script? and some people use the streamboard svn repo. I am a little confused, please point to me to the right direction.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Official Post

    Any particular reason you want to use a VPS ? You will still need to setup a server with the card reader on your own network, then fake the local card on the VPS.

    This script is what you need => Tutorial - Ubuntu Server 11.10, 12.xx, 13.04 x32/x64 - Auto Oscam/CCcam 2.1.3 Install..

    After you have installed everything oscam can be updated using simplebuild => Tutorial: Updating Oscam to latest SVN - Ubuntu & debian with Simplebuild

  • Thank you for your reply! I want to set it up on a vps so I dont have to worry about power cuts and maintaining the tower. Also on vps i will be able to access from anywhere as i do a lot of travelling and i will be able to maintain, shut down and restart through rdp.

    I don't have a card reader. I have a friend who has given me a N line and I would like to put that on my openbox and link it to my server on the vps. Once thats done i can create my own c lines on the oscam web interface to share it with my friends and family.

    • Official Post

    If you have a power cut your vps will not have access to the card reader or virtual readers that are on your network. Ports can be opened in your router to allow access from anywhere..

    You can`t use the openbox as a server to feed the VPS.. Am i right in thinking this friend who has given you an N line is a pay server ? If not why not just ask your friend to give you extra lines ? The N line that you have will likely have a reshare limit, so you won`t be able to share without the server/friend knowing.

  • Thanks for your response again Master G.
    I have just been told that I can setup my own oscam on vps and use the n line provided to me for the feed so I wont have to use my own box server to feed the vps. I can use the feed from his setup. He has asked me to create my own oscam so i can configure and manage my own lines and learn how it works too. He has told me the limit of re-sharing the line is 30 and i am happy with that.

    Do i just need to get a vps and install oscam on it, configure the oscam.conf and oscam.server and then i will be able to create my own c line? Please correct me if i am wrong.

    Thank you again for your help.

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