cccam .sh file

There are 5 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,288 times. The last Post () by hacked.

  • So I'm using Peter Pan image on dreambox 500hd.
    had a wee peoblem with the cam - just stopped working and finally now got all the pieces together and have the cam working.
    Problem is that to start I gotta use the laptop and telnet to the box to start it manually.
    I do have the script file but I cannot find out where it goes.
    The cam menu shows on Common Interface and no cam.
    It would be nice to have the cam listed under the cam menu so it can start automatically when the box is turned on.

    Any ideas please +++

  • ok - thanks for that. I have put it into var/ppteam and also var/ppteam/scripts for good measure. Problem is that the cam does not appear in the cam menu.

    thanks again

    • Official Post

    The script is not a .sh file, its a .pp file. Change to cccam.pp, the image should recognize the script now. I have attached a sample script..

    All you need to do is change whats highlighted to however your version of CCcam is named in /var/bin

  • ok the name of my cam is cccam_2.2.1.mips and I amended your file as below but still not in cam menu

    case "$1" in
    echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $NAME"
    /var/bin/*cccam_2.2.1.mips* &
    echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $NAME"
    touch /tmp/CCcam.kill
    sleep 5
    killall -9 *cccam_2.2.1.mips* 2>/dev/null
    sleep 2
    $0 stop
    exit 1

    exit 0

    - - - Updated - - -

    looking at the file on the box ( edit using dcc.exe) and it now shows#

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang6153{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
    {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 case "$1" in\par
    \tab start)\par
    \tab echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $NAME"\par
    \tab remove_tmp\par
    \tab /var/bin/*cccam_2.2.1.mips* &\par
    \tab ;;\par
    \tab stop)\par
    \tab echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $NAME"\par
    \tab touch /tmp/CCcam.kill\par
    \tab sleep 5\par
    \tab killall -9 *cccam_2.2.1.mips* 2>/dev/null\par
    \tab sleep 2\par
    \tab remove_tmp\par
    \tab ;;\par
    \tab *)\par
    \tab $0 stop\par
    \tab exit 1\par
    \tab ;;\par
    exit 0\par

    is that normal ??

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