MANUAL share folders on network (NFS) AZ_OpenSAT

  • MANUAL share folders on network (NFS) Firmware Oficial.

    well I am going to explain how to assemble folders from any device which I see in my local network (NFS or CIFS) for viewing on your azbox with official firmware.

    say that this manual from your PC you can share your external drive, your USB, internal HDD ..... so let's do it for NFS could also be done by CIFS.

    1, we have to install this plugin that is what makes us work, "Priority Manager V 1.8" by buyukbang,

    Priority Manager v1.8 INSTALLATION:

    * Unzip the rar attached, you derive two files, you open your favorite FTP client and go to the directory /tmp we put the two files in there.

    * Now we go to deco to the user interface we deco in plugins menu => press red button on the remote "add plugin" => we will get a menu with various options, choose /tmp/plugins.lst => OK we tell the plugin has been installed correctly.
    * Return to menu go out into plugins, and you should see him there. "PriorityManager" OK, we give in, look in the interface plugin => activate / reactivate => OK. along with this we have the program ready to edit the lines that we want and mount network folders.

    * enter and search again for FTP /DISK2/etc/PriorityManagerSettings.txt right to modify or edit these editable lines and look like this:

    # these to stay like this:


    # with this activate the NFS.


    # Here put the IP of the server, in my case the internal HDD AZbox.


    # Here put the line where we intend to share the folder (movie), which in my case is within the internal hdd azbox.


    # remote server assembly line in my case my deco, remember not to roll, I'm doing this from my other client deco is having the hdd

    NFS[1]="mount -t nfs -o nolock,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 192.168.x.x:/DATA/hdb1/movie /DATA/movie"

    line mount (mount) mounts a directory for each device or that we have in our future server folders, in my case I will ride my movie folder on my internal hdd.

    192.168.x.x: /DATA/hdb1/movie # this is the IP as I mentioned earlier, but the directory where you intend to share it, in this case I have located the folder where movie.
    /DATA/movie # this is the directory that I create in my deco (box client) to mount the server share, in my case I put in the same folder that movie for me is more comfortable, since I have created default folder and used it to mount it there, if you call another folder or another name, you only have to launch telnet this order and you create it:


    obviously the board mount end of the line you have to put your directory eg /DATA/name_folder
    SAVE CHANGES Well, we return to menu P. Manager plugin and we restart, restart the plugin to take changes.

    # this would be if Montaser in cifs:
    CIF [1] = "mount.cifs //$ 192.168.x.x/DATA/hdb1/movie /DATA/movie -o username =, password ="
    to see what works for us, we went back into the interface deco blue key press HOME => file manager => network => OK => when we exit the menu of what the network is seeing box, we give MENU key to add our IP server => we will find new IP, because there we put the IP of the box or device that serves => OK and done, if everything went well we will see the movie folder, we give => OK and get the relationship movies, files and everything we want to see, hear, etc, etc.

    pd.-recordings. ts network, I get the famous "Error unsupported" tell you that you have to take tsdoctor and scan tool, so if you can see them without any problem.


  • master G

    Added the Label Article

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