WeTekPlay Mk.1 post Alpha pre RC

  • Well, this is a kind of strange situation for PB, rather conservative, approach. We are usually not into publishing unproven stuff, but sometimes exceptions may happen. So it seems. This image is far from reliable and should be used only by bold, brave and beautiful. Maybe some users might find it interesting.

    Please do read included PDF & txt.

    In short:

    - New E2 RC/FB unit is preferred for now except in XBMC where only the original RC/FB works, either in mouse or button mode.

    - E2 media programs like internal PVR, MP or MP2 are there only for internal testing. Media playback is preferred to be done by XBMC. You might need a reboot if E2 media players are used on certain files!

    - Please do read about USB sticks/HDDs and mounting them as /media/usb via PB device manager. An E2 restart may be required for now after inserting an USB device. We are not in love with automount business for various tech reasons.

    - Kodi and multiple tuner support are likely to emerge next week . Fingers crossed, no promises.

    - Same goes for better support for the original (elipsoid) RC/FB.

    - Issues with some transponders are well known, work in progress ( as many other stuff ).

    - We are aware of most problems and working on them.

    How to flash an image:

    - I guess there is an Wetek or similar PI stuff for Windows that handles IMG -> micro SD card

    - Linux users are not likely to need any help, but, just in case; insert proven adapter for micro SD card, umount anything from /media/"username" related to newly inserted micro SD card (check with dmesg), sudo dd if=wetek.... (tab...) of=/dev/YOUR SDCARD bs=4M ; sync ; sync ; sync

    this 'sudo' stuff may be related/needed as per your distribution.

    Good luck!


    PM for support 0nly with a Link to Y0ur
    P05t w1Th Wat5 up 0r 155u3 thaT5
    B33N ....... P05T3D

    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

  • master G

    Added the Label WeTek Enigma2

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