How do you install Rat’s Bouquet Updater

There is 1 reply in this Thread which was already clicked 1,321 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • How do you install it ?

    where is this script file the link only gives you the ipk ???

    Edited once, last by master G: moved from download only and merged threads ().

    • Official Post

    The plugin comes packed as an ipk file. You can install it a number of different ways:

    1) Copy to USB stick, insert into the receiver then follow on screen prompts..

    2) With an FTP tool like DCC or Filezilla send the ipk to /tmp folder on the receiver then install in image menu (you didn`t say which image you have so can`t be clear on which buttons to press).

    3) With an FTP tool like DCC or Filezilla send the ipk to /tmp folder then use this command in telnet/putty to install:

    opkg install /tmp/*.ipk

    4) With DCC connect to the receiver then click Tools > Packages > Upload Package > Select the IPK..

    5) Vu+ Control Center has an ipk installer..

    The script is packed inside the ipk.. It will install with the ipk, you don`t need to do it separate..

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