Posts by satbidule

    Hello everyone

    I'm working on nagra merlin and I would like to know the method to calculate RSAmod1 and RSAmod2 from the dump flash memory.

    I dumped the flash and I search the 5 blocks that will allow me to find mod1 mod2.

    Thanks for your help

    This 2 0x70 RSAs are a Result of Xoring other 4 blocks of 0x70 bytes stored in STB firmware Flash.
    Block 1 XOR Block 2 = RSA_MOD_1 Provider STB manufacturer specific global key ( This key is only used on DT05_00 and DT05_10 RSA decrypt steps for Global Generic Pairing Mode)
    Block 3 xor Block 4 = RSA_MOD_2 Provider Specific STB Global RSA key ( This key is Unique for Each Provider and this key is used only for STB using Unique Pairing with CMD DT05_20)
    Block 4 xor Block 5 = RSA_MOD88 used for CMD$03 steps

    Thank you for your help