Posts by thijss

    try the tm5402HD very easy to setup and use for client only box very clear picture easy epg don't need to be technical or computer genius to set up
    stay away from the tm 800 hd very badly image supported

    Hi guys
    Have been try to get this plug in "TechSat Keys Downloader V.1.4"working ftp it to /usr/script and changed the atribute to 755
    it is avaible in my green panel and it downloads the keys to /softcam.key file and / file
    when i turn off my router the channels don't clear for me i'm using BH 1.7.2 and cccam 2.1.4 do i need to use a different cam or do i need to edit a different file?

    Yes i got a few working from Tunisia sat VU plus thanks for that
    i like a few of this site better but i just can't seem to get them to work
    i will try master G guide when i have a bit more time .

    Could some one explain how to get the bootlogo's on the Ultimo
    I've tried different way's now with ftp into /temp folder or from tspanel
    The ultimo starts loading but says could not find package do i have to prepare something
    I also loaded the logomanager plugin still no joy

    I'm using black hole latest and was playing around with the different cccam's/oscam's ,in the beginning the ecm times were showing when getting connected now when i get connect it displayes "nan" in the ecm time part what would have changed or what can i change to get the ecm time's back?

    I have the same problem on my Ultimo on some of the V pol transponders lots of break up in the signal bit disapointing those channels were working perfect on my technomates i'm using b.hole as my image, anyway to improve this ?

    I have been looking for a guide how to setup my Ultimo for homesharing my and white sly uk no luck sofare.
    I'm might be looking for the wrong thing in the wrong sections in the searchoption.
    So is there any noob guide about, i asume i have to generate a f-line but where or how is where i'm lost.

    I found it on the black hole in system>a/v settings>there you can find a line for Dolby Digital default set it to yes
    i asume it's something similair on the vix image
    hope this helps

    could be a fault in the box.
    I have my Ultimo running perfect at the moment installed my internal 1TB HDD playing movies pefect and recording perfect still have to get the hang of a few things but i'm getting there and i'm using black hole latest image

    I have the same problem on black hole (ultimo)with a lot of channels audio goes to nar(audio description) in default and i can't find anywhere that you can change the default to english dolby for the audio channels only manualy on each channel one by one

    they were also fta for a little while i think this is what you mean and yes they are premium channels now you would need a share