Posts by thijss

    Strange! The regular picons go in your 'picon' directory...the VFD ones go in your 'piconlcd' directory!

    It should be that simple...I'll get one of the guys to check the download in TSpanel...the directory may be incorrectly named!

    Do you know how to FTP? You could download the VFD picons from my thread (about to update it actually!) and upload the content over FTP!

    I think i've sorted it somehow the 'piconlcd' directory ended up in the 'picon' directory so i gave them each their own directory now
    and after manualy loading the latest picons 28e file i have a picon and a picons file wich should it be ?

    i'll give that a go and see how that works out could just be me messing things up too but i'm slowly cracking it all.
    What's the best channel editor for the vu+ because i'm trying DBE at the moment and there is no sign of the HD channels in it.

    still a bit confused with the picons and VFD picons can they be used at the same time or not because everytime i download the one from TS panel
    the other one stops working. or do we need a file that update's the two kind of picon's at the same time ? (great job on them Sandman)

    Hi Sandman,

    It is a couple of weeks you have had the box now. How do you find it? How about the picture quality? I am not sure if you have used the TM800HD but they do have some pretty decent picture quality. Can the Vu+ Ultimo match? Do you find the remote control key sticky (as the TM800HD is). How responsive is the box?


    Getting to grips with my Ultimo very hard to find a clear guide but i suppose there is so many different way's you can go with it ,it's hard to get a clear guide to set up for it .Very helpfull members here so we are lucky with that:40_002:
    I've been using non linux technomate's for the last few years and they were very easy to setup and use .
    I find that the HD quality on the tm's was a bit more crisp and clear then the Ultimo but happy with the Ultimo too
    I installed a hdd drive iside the ultimo on wich i had loads of movies already but finding it hard to get them played.
    But i'm sure there is a way to play them
    Overall it looks like a good reciever that will keep me busy on the rainy days.
    Looks like a good buy to me.

    did you try skewing the lnb on the arm by turning it up to the left looking from the front of the dish or maybe just align your dish better.

    I've been trying to do this but unsure as to how to, i downloaded the picon files from the ts panel addons from this site and they are in my /temp folder.
    where do i start from there do i have to upgrade them all one by one,or where do i go.
    And i would like to know is there a picon upgrade for the Irish Dtt soarview availble.
    Thanks for all your help sofar lads.

    Thanks guy's my white card is working perfect ,anyway of getting my CD card working in the second slot i want to share it with my tm's at some stage

    Right just tried and noticed since i enabled Oscam 6059 / CCcam 2.1.3 as my default cam the CD card reads perfect in the bottom slot of my Ultimo
    now i have to find out how to share the cards with my tm's and how to put in c-lines from my v-plugserver or is there something out there that will run the keys of open providers with emu's on the vu+'s any link's or guides lads

    Thanks guy's my white card is working perfect ,anyway of getting my CD card working in the second slot i want to share it with my tm's at some stage

    thanks lads i have the tspanel installed very confusing compared to my technomates but i'm sure i learn as i get along with all of you're help of course.
    and a lot of terms i don't understand yet .
    Let yi know how i get on from here.

    I need some more info folks i'm getting lost here with all the terms for a noob like me ,what is standard FTP client or Dreambox Control Centre where would i find it and where would i run it and how would i transfer the tspanel into my /tmp folder go easy on me lads.:surrender:

    thanks i'll try that could you give me a link to the TSpanel again please cause the link in above post brings me to the b.h.image too(both links)
    Rgds.I asume that ccam 2.1.3 is safe
    I saw a bad report on the CCCAM 2.3.0 that when your stb is inactive the cccam 2.3.0 will start sending your lines to some german ip adress

    Hi guys i got my ultimo yesterday morning scanned all sats in use 13+19+23+28east +the dtt(soarview)and put in my official cards but to my suprise the cards don't get read at all ,one is a canaal digitaal nederland card and the other the white sly card.I was expecting the dutch card to be read no problem anyway is there anyway to activate the card readers before i go into the thirth party software wich would be very new to me.
    And what is a source code the manual is talking about this will i need this for anything.