Posts by glamour_services

    And my parents taught me to be kind even when others are not! I wasn't the one to use the word "bullshit" anyway!

    You imposed your own opinion as facts but it's not my job to make you understand the difference between being truthful and straight up rude! It's blatantly obvious that you didn't even take the time to read into my suggestions but stubborness is a quality for some people I guess...

    Anyway it's done from my part, I figured out another way to read the cam name so rest my case!

    Yes, CCCam script is the same as OpenPLI's and is very easy for a skinner to use a converter that reads the cam name from there, same goes with OpenPLI's oscam startscript. This is the easiest and fastest way for any skinner to read the softcam version and softcam name.

    So, why should we make things complicated when a simple change in the description line in the current openATV oscam/ncam startscript will provide all the necessary info for the skinner without many modifications?

    Let's say that I write a converter that will run the /etc/init.d/softcam version command and append it as text. Why should things be so complicated, commands are very CPU consuming, plus the converter should read the current running softcam everytime it changes by the user.

    Reading simply from the startscript is effective and fast and ensures compatibility. I don't think it's that hard to be done from your side!

    OpenPLI's startscripts have the version name in the scripts and that facilitates the skinners, running commands within the converters to get the version from /tmp does not! So why you'd think the header containing the full camname is nonsense information is beyond me...

    Anyway, I'll try to write code with reading from oscam.version, but I don't think it'll work as it should!

    BTW why is there a cardserver section, is there any cam today that works this way that softcam won't cover? Seems way too redundant! For what is worth, if the system can run both a softcam and a cardserver then the latter could be named softcam2 and allow this function with two softcams...

    For instance this is the start of the script when using oscam, oscam-emu, oscam-trunk

    All three versions have the exact same segment, so if a skinner uses that to read the cam name has only the short and description fields to do so.

    A modification in Short-description from

    # Short-Description: oscam


    # Short-Description: oscam-emu 11529.746

    would suffice for skinners to have the correct version readable on skins.

    No, that's not the full names, there's no version and there's nowhere for skinners to read even these values so that they render them on skins....
    A converter cannot do the os.listdir function in real time without CPU exhaustion to read these names, the only solution is to read the values from the scripts and they are not there!

    A quick question:

    Why was the oscam version name removed from the startscripts? All oscam versions are now reported as simply oscam and the users have nowhere to see what version they run unless they enter the webif!

    On the old openATV softcam system the full cam name could be read from .emu files or the confic.actcam params, however the new startscripts for both oscam and ncam only provide a short and long description which is always the same and lacks important info.

    If a camname field with the full name (etc oscam-emu 11529.746) is added in the startscripts the skinners will also have a converter available to read the value and render it to skins.

    Please take that into consideration, it's not as a minor issue as it may seem...

    Thanks in advance!

    Φίλε μου, κατέβασε το skin.xml από εδώ…2/GlamourAuraFHD/skin.xml

    Στείλτο με FTP στο δέκτη σου στη διαδρομή usr/share/enigma2/GlamourAuraFHD αντικαθιστώντας το υπάρχον.

    Δυστυχώς το openpli develop άλλαξε το serviceevent (τώρα πόσο χρήσιμη ήταν αυτή η αλλαγή ο Θεός και η ψυχή τους) και ο κονβρέρτορας πλέον έβλεπε nonetype με αποτέλεσμα το crash. Δυστυχώς δεν είναι κάτι που μπορούσα να είχα προβλέψει και όλα τα skins που τον χρησιμοποιούνε λογικά θα έχουν το ίδιο θέμα. Στο openATV δεν έγινε αυτή η αλλαγή και δεν υπήρχε θέμα, αλλά έχω βάλει το fix και εκεί σε περίπτωση που υπάρξει πρόβλημα μελλοντικά τουλάχιστον να το προλάβουμε.

    Νιώθω άσχημα για την ταλαιπωρία που προέκυψε στους χρήστες των sdg/openpli αλλά δεν ήταν κάτι που έγινε από πλευράς μου αλλά από το openpli καθαρά. Και δυστυχώς έχουν τις δικές τους φιλοσοφίες και για τα skins, αλλά τι να κάνεις...