Posts by dixiedean

    type: Conax, caid: 0BAA, serial: ########, hex serial: #######, card: v64
    Providers: 1
    Provider: 1 Provider-Id: 000000
    Provider: 1 SharedAddress: 00000000
    Package: 1, id: 1111, date: 2011/04/01 - 2011/04/30, name: AlbaniaSat

    gonna set up mgcamd can someone send it me for a manuall install with some config settings please and an idea how to install it manually please

    hi can someone help me get this box up and running am struggling with the patching and installing cccam for client use please bear in mind ive no experiance whatsoevever with these things lol

    label = Tring
    Protocol = internal
    detect = CD
    device = /dev/sci0
    Group = 1
    EMMCache = 1,3,2
    PinCode = 1234
    caid = 0BAA
    ident = 0BAA:000000
    just cant get the channels to clear using oscam and cccam everything showing up as ok on server but nothing on box using dm800hd clone
    usrfile = /var/log/oscam/oscamuser.log
    logfile = /var/log/oscam/oscam.log
    cwlogdir = /var/log/oscam/cw
    disablelog = 1
    disableuserfile = 1
    clienttimeout = 3900
    nice = -1
    maxlogsize = 0
    saveinithistory = 1

    port = 988
    nocrypt =
    aulow = 120
    hideclient_to = 0
    monlevel = 1
    appendchaninfo = 0

    port = 53000@0BAA:000000
    key = #############
    allowed =
    keepalive = 1
    mgclient = 0

    httpport = 16003
    httprefresh = 5
    httpallowed =,,,
    httphideidleclients = 0
    httpreadonly = 0
    httpsavefullcfg = 0

    nice = -1
    WaitForCards = 1
    ClientTimeout = 5
    CacheDelay = 120


    Key =##############

    Port = 34000@0500:042700

    httpport = 16002
    httpuser = root
    httppwd = xxx
    httprefresh = 10
    httpallowed =,
    user = test1
    pwd = test2
    disabled = 0
    expdate =
    group = 1
    hostname =
    uniq = 0
    sleep = 0
    monlevel = 2
    au = tring
    services =
    caid = 0BAA
    betatunnel =
    ident = 0BAA:000000
    cccmaxhops = 10
    keepalive = 1
    numusers = 0
    penalty = 0

    user = tring
    pwd = tring
    disabled = 0
    expdate =
    group = 1
    hostname =
    uniq = 0
    sleep = 0
    monlevel = 1
    services =
    caid = 0BAA
    betatunnel =
    ident = 0BAA:000000
    cccmaxhops = 10
    keepalive = 0
    numusers = 0
    penalty = 0
    au = tring