Posts by kakroura

    i have a problem, while using the bissautokey, it insert the key successfully, but the channels doesn't open

    what shall be the problem ???, or reboot the box after the update? Usually restarting the cam fixes it.

    I think you need to restart with Oscam-emu cam to make the Biss key work.

    i always do a restart after key is added

    i am Ncam-Emy by the way

    i am sorry for my question , but i got confused

    i found 2 images with "DreamOs" base , like newnigma2 , peterpan , what else ??

    what are the open source images ?? what is the risk of using them?


    by the way, i tried to install the "EBG Grabber" plugin , it's didn't work , however it worked on Dreamone image

    i don't what's the issue

    can you check it please?

    wget -q "--no-check-certificate" -O - | /bin/sh

    i will be waiting for your developed skin, as usually most of OE2.6 skins end with crashes

    again, i really praise your work , thanks a lot :)

    i really liked peter pan image for dream two, thanks for your effort seagen

    i followed all instructions for cam manager, i am using NCAM 12.4 & gosat plus , both are working fine.

    currently, i have managed to install most of my favorites plugin , similar to my other DM920 (OE2.5)

    any recommendation for Skins library , as the standard image has only 2 skins