Posts by tosbaha2k

    I used two zeroconfig because old one is working well with iOS 7. Therefore in order to keep things in order I added my patches to zerconfig8 so that if you had iOS 7 you could easily revert back.
    In zeroconfig8, I changed bonjour announcement according to findings of XBMC community. So in iOS8, they changed the announcements and zeroconfig has old server version and capabilities which are not picked up by iOS 8 devices. However when I was experimenting with the values of XBMC forums, I found out that there was not enough room for "features" strings. So I changed the offsets of functions in unused area in binary. So without access to source code and cross compiling environment there is nothig much I can do. For example with my patches sending photo works but audio doesn't work most of the time. If we remove raop.service from /etc/avahi/services then sound works but photo doesn't. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to debug and find the issues. So you are on your own. Sorry about that.

    Believe me I know what I am doing. That zeroconf.c is different. They use mini mNDS implementation probably something like…dparty/tinysvcmdns/mdns.c
    Authors are vanished. It is useless to try to contact them. I just made the package for mipsel even though control file says all. So it won't work on sh4 or any other architecture. If you want, you can hex edit the binaries from original package and replace RSA private key, it should work. I don't have sh4 box and I really can't help you on this. I didn't change much in py files besides adding easy keygen screen, iOS 8 caching support, removing calling home etc. It is up to you donate them. I frankly don't want to donate someone who just stole bunch of open source technologies without giving a credit.

    They are all related to your mac address. If your MAC address is


    you should change files like this
    Filename: air2.service should have


    Filename: raop.service should have

    <name replace-wildcards="yes">1234567890AB@AirPlayer</name>

    It is possible to skip key check but proxy binary also uses key check and frankly there are lots of places for patch. Using key is easier.
    Sorry I can't provide the source of keygen because I accidentally deleted it. It is RSA-2048 therefore it is impossible to keygen without patch.
    I noticed zeroconf.c but it is just a reference code. I disassembled zeroconf binary and it is completely different.

    For everyone who couldn't make it work. You MUST turn on/off airplane mode 2-3 times so that your device will pick the airplayer. I also found out another method which has better working ratio. Create air2.service and raop.service files and copy to /etc/avahi/services/ directory

    Filename: air2.service

    Filename: raop.service

    Don't forget to change <txt-record>deviceid=00:11:22:33:44:55</txt-record> and <name replace-wildcards="yes">001122334455@AirPlayer</name> lines according to your MAC address.

    I patched key algorithm therefore you must use provided keygen to create your key. Streaming doesn't work very well. I could stream videos from camera roll couple of times. Picture works. However as I stated before because airplay announcement is changed in iOS 8 it doesn't work very well. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do right now to fix it. Because I don't have the source code of zeroconf and I don't have time to reverse and rewrite it again. In order to make it work, you have to put your device to Airplane mode couple of times so that you can see Airplay menu. Even after that it is hit and miss, you need to try couple of times. But it works. I tested with iOS 7.1 (iPad), iOS 8(iPhone) iOS 8.1 (iPad, iPhone).

    If you are using WIFI card, it may not work. Open telnet to your box, write ifconfig and find the MAC address of your card. Then try again. I want to remind again that Video playback is extremely buggy and choppy. It works on iOS7 but fails sometimes on iOS 8. I have also fixed cache issue on iOS 8 and will release updated version soon.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Airplayer was not supporting cache feature of Airplay protocol. First I added simple cache management but then realized that my cache directory was filled so quickly. Therefore I removed cache management feature.However, because I notify iDevices that I don't support cache feature, they send media in correct order. It works very well. However again there are some limitations as before. For more information please read included readme file.

    This is my first post here. I want to share my version of Airplayer which is fixed for iOS 8 and DRM removed. First of all, my changes are not illegal at all. License of Airplayer(…urce/browse/trunk/LICENSE) states that we are allowed to do any changes if we keep the license and don't sell it. So I removed the DRM and and fixed for iOS 8 compatibility. Please check README file to learn how to register if you want premium features.