Posts by heidani

    it's the first time I've seen this plugin, I tried to read the whole post, but I don't understand how to install it, or rather, which version to start from and then another question, do you need to have a particular oscam and a particular softkey or any will do version. Thank you

    Congratulations for your work, the skin works very well and is splendid, I just can't find a way not to make the posters appear, at first they look beautiful then, among those that come and they have nothing to do with what I'm looking at and the space they occupy I would like not to let them go out, but I can't find the right option from any menu. I have a zgemma s7h with openATV 7.3. Thank you

    Ciao a tutti, ho da qualche giorno lo ZGemma s7h con a bordo la OpenPli 9. Vorrei provare a mettere un immagine in multiboot, ma non mi trovo con le spiegazioni che trovo anche in questa pagina, per esempio, a meno che non crei io una cartella /images nell'hard disk non ce l'ho e quindi visto che ogni immagine ha il suo modo di operare vorrei sapere per prima cosa se posso farlo da openpli o debbo mettere openatv per iniziare, Se si cosa dovrei fare?Ultima cosa, se poi una volta riuscito a mettere il tuo backup decidessi di usare la tua immagine e basta come faccio a cancellare openpli?Grazie


    Hi everyone, I've had the ZGemma s7h with OpenPli 9 on board for a few days. I would like to try to put an image in multiboot, but I can't find the explanations that I also find on this page, for example, unless I create it myself I don't have a /images folder on my hard disk and therefore since each image has its own way of operating I would like to know first if I can do it from openpli or should I put openatv to start. If so what should I do? Last thing , if once you have managed to put your backup you decide to use your image and that's it, how do I delete openpli? Thanks