Posts by mrgmx

    All go here Caz, Using BH 1.7.5

    Got rid of all previous, whacked file into tmp and installed through TSPANEL file explorer! All good!

    I now have Movies and Tv Shows to watch Yipee

    What will it be Goodfellas, Game of Thrones? On the Buses (No link oops) ah well loads for me to watch now!!

    Someone give that man a Drink!


    Just follow Caz's instructions and this will setup 1 tuner i would of thought!

    If you had a Duo and had 2 Recievers you would run this again for Tuner B!

    As you have Solo just set it up once for the one receiver


    Na mate, switched to Idreamx as i have the pleasure of a Mac lol!

    Campbell1987 is playing with it now so fingers crossed between the 2 we will get a result!

    I think mine was due to dodgy webif on duo???? many other peps seemed to get it sorted quickly so to speak!

    Let us know how you get on!

    Server delayed for today then :)


    This is one of the ones on the list mate! But as no one has shone any light as yet!

    Not a 100% sure but you may need dns address, not sure if no-ip will work on this?

    Failing that there is idreamx, it has the functionality to stream outside the network!

    I think you just need to open port you assign in the preferences and add dns or fixed ip address for it to stream to so to speak!

    But like i said on the to-do list so haven't setup to give you exact setup instructions sorry!

    Perhaps you could tell me lol

    Hopefully someone may add to this!


    If you have setup dns account and your connecting using that account internally you should be cool

    Only thing to do is try thou, but in theory if your IP address/DnsName is active and working and your ports are open for your server your good to go!


    Have a look here to start it explains the basics…nes-clines-beginners.html

    In answer to your direct question,
    It would depend on what protocol your sharing with and/or what protocol the user is using to connect to you!
    If your sharing with Newcamd it would be 17000 if Cccam 12007

    in general lines are written like so and placed in Cccam.cfg file

    C: YOURIPADDRESS PORTNO USERNAME PASSWORD - You can add sharing restrictions e.t.c after the PASSWORD which is explained in the link above


    If your sharing with Newcamd the line would be similar to

    CWS = YOURIPADDRESS PORTNO USERNAME PASSWORD 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    If you have setup a No-IP or Dydns account this would be/replace YOURIPADDRESS in the examples given.

    Someone will add/comment on this but the basics are in the link

    That's all i knew off hand mate,
    Give it a while someone may add/suggest something else!
    A tool or add-on

    Haven't really had a need for this as yet lol
    But Yes would be via telnet

    A lot of default ports still in the setup
    12000 and 16001 are defaults settings for all the setup files/scripts run on this site so that may be the start of the problem!

    You should change ANY and ALL default port settings and Passwords given in any set up scripts for added security!

    Try changing them and then go from there.....Master G should/will add if anything else is required but either way change them settings

    And he beat me to it lol


    Not sure whether this will work for box but should do.......You have a couple of options either

    Zip the file/folder with a password

    You can password protect a zip file. Proceed as follows:
    Create a directory for this experiment, and name it test.
    Copy a few files and paste them into this directory so it isn’t empty.
    Now open a terminal and enter:

    zip -e -r /home/Desktop/newtest /home/Desktop/test

    Enter password:
    Verify password:

    Now you have a file which is password protected. (you can/could delete test)

    zip with -e option encrypts the contents of the zip archive using a password.

    This encrypts with standard pkzip encryption which is considered weak.
    However, the job of protecting the file is done, because even the root user needs
    the password or should be a hacker to decrypt.

    To unzip that same folder issue the command:

    unzip <Directory_Name>.zip

    You will then be prompted for the same password you gave for the encryption.
    Once you successfully enter the password the file will be unzipped.

    Or alternatively You can change the folder's permissions so no user other than root can
    access the files inside:

    chmod 600 /path/to/folder

    Then set the owner as root (if not already).

    chown root:root /path/to/folder

    This will set your folder so that all user accounts on the local machine are
    denied access to the folders contents, except for the root account.

    Hope it helps, but i just see Ten in here so he may help further lol


    As an entry level box i think the F3 is a marked improvement
    Only downfall is USB on front but apart from that Very Happy! Loads of component connections on the back also!

    I had a look at M3 but it looked like S12 didn't like that much in fact its still in its box in my office lol i think its faster though but not as many connections obviously given its size!

    F3 seems faster, then previous models and UI little better so marked improvement lol

    What's Awkward about Introducing yourself?

    You expect help but don't want to acknowledge our Rules....even if it was just to say Hi! That would of been fine?!!!?

    Further more you want to make a silly remark about our silly THANKS BUTTON

    Perhaps you may be suited more to Google as you don't have to do anything there but type your search in and sit and wait for the results! However Useful they may be.

    Clearly not that useful as you found US and posted question here? WITHOUT AN INTRO


    In the location that the file you want to chmod is in


    chmod 755 (change to filename you require)

    i.e chmod 755 (make sure that you use the filenames exact format UPPERlowercase e.t.c)

    Nothing will happen you will just be returned to prompt

    im with Caz never really been a problem with torrent sites.....

    Few tips perhaps,

    Bare in mind most sites will have movies, tv shows e.t.c on or around the time they if it hasn't aired yet or is airing in weeks/months to come then its probably fake.

    If you have a good Virus Checker it will almost always pickup any dodgy torrent files, but most are files that require you to register for password e.t.c

    In General depending on which site you use (google) they follow the same logic

    Comments (Most legitimate users will add a comment whether Fake or Good to a torrent file in the case of what i use it will be a Green Tick or Green Comment box)

    Seeds/Peers (If the file has no or a stupid amounts or one is more than the other than this could indicate a dodgy file) They start tricking people now!

    When you look at the File(s) you plan to download you will normally see e.g an Avi file, a text file with info in it and most good downloads will have a sample file.

    So in theory if you get 2 or more of the above the file should be ok mate!

    Give it go, just make sure Virus Checker up to date e.t.c

    There is a site type (video quality site) into google.... result you want is four letters .com

    If its on there and you can find the EXACT file on a torrent site you will be ok! You will get still pics of the file also on most good little site
    (by exact i mean not just the Title but the extra info in the filename i.e for example of course!)

    Have fun
