Posts by Nhelione

    Hi samur,

    I've tried three of your binaries on my 1821 card. I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 x86_64. The two latest versions you've shared (OSCam-11726-Ubuntu and OSCam-11724-Ubuntu 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 always end up with an error when trying to initialize my card. But with the same config, the card can be initialized without error with an older version of the binary (OSCam-11703-798-Ubuntu 16.04

    This is my config for the two latest versions :

    And this is the config for the older version :

    The error I get when using r11724 and r11726 is :

    2023/12/12 15:03:52 603B4C72 r   (reader) myreader1821 [pcsc] ATR: 3B F7 11 00 01 40 96 70 70 0A 0E 6C B6 D6
    2023/12/12 15:03:52 603B4C72 r        (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
    2023/12/12 15:03:52 603B4C72 r   (reader) myreader1821 [pcsc] detected card (Cameleon) in CAK6/Seca mode -> try switch to Nagra CAK7
    2023/12/12 15:04:03 603B4C72 r   (reader) myreader1821 [pcsc] Switch to nagra layer command failed!
    2023/12/12 15:04:03 603B4C72 r   (reader) myreader1821 [pcsc] Error activating card.
    2023/12/12 15:04:04 603B4C72 r   (reader) myreader1821 [pcsc] THIS WAS A FAILED START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max allotted of 1
    2023/12/12 15:04:04 603B4C72 r   (reader) myreader1821 [pcsc] card initializing error

    Am I missing something ?