Posts by otrellaras

    Till now I had till 2013 a Dreambox 7020hd v2... (I bought it because of the old Dreambox tradition. My first Dreambox was a 7000...)

    I think a bad decision cause the box didn't have open-source support.
    Now I'm thinking of buying a newer box (my old 7000 that I used for testing my antennas had a power supply burnout) and I have to choose a better one and keep Dreambox 7020hd as an alternative.

    thinks that interest me:
    Open source - third part developing images (open pli or openBH or others)
    Emulators supporting
    Sensible Tuner (which is the best tuner? dreambox or Vu+, or what else?)
    (better) if the tuner supports also 16APSK streams
    Blindscan possibility (as Dreambox 7020 has)

    Supporting complex disecq configuration with 6 dishes - one of them mobile with external power supply)

    IPTV channels support (on the same list as the satellite channels)

    I don't care about:
    wifi (I have a stable LAN connection)
    Supporting or integrated hard drive

    Second sat tuner (I have only a sat cable with multiple disecq with 6 dishes - one of them mobile with external power supply)

    Thank you for your responses...