Posts by nautilus7


    ncam is 99.999% a clone of oscam-emu, so:

    1. Where exactly do you mention that ncam is based on oscam-emu?

    2. Where exactly do you mention what is different than oscam-emu?

    3. Where exactly is the source code of the changes you have done in comparison to oscam-emu?

    And what is this ?!!

    And here recipe to build with openvision…

    Your repository is created the wrong way. I am not sure this is done on purpose or by ignorance.

    Your repo is NOT a fork/clone of the oscam-emu repo and all commit history is gone. I am not sure how you pull updates from oscam-emu, but I see all commits under your name... This is not a very nice thing to do...

    Also, doing it this way it is impossible for the osam-emu devs to track the actual changes you have made and pull them back to their repo, if they find them useful.

    Επίσης, αν έχεις διαβάσει τα παραπάνω και έχεις βάλει τα σωστά κλειδιά, ζητήσαμε και log για να δούμε τι άλλο μπορεί να φταίει.

    Γενικά, εγκαθιστώντνας το oscam-emu που έρχεται με το image, και χρησιμοποιώντας το default config ή το config που έχουν φτιάξει τα παιδιά εδώ (medousa89 και enigma1969), συν το softcam.key επίσης των παιδιών, θα πρέπει να σου παίζει χωρίς κανένα πρόβλημα.


    What is the advantage of using ncam over oscam-emu?


    In fact ncam is just a closed source clone of oscam-emu and as such (closed source) it violates oscam's and oscam-emu's licence.

    In addition, if someone takes a open source program and re-releases it in a closed source form, I would be suspicious of what kind of malicious code he has added...

    Οι τελευταίες αλλαγές;;; Αν "τελευταίες" εννοείς όλες τις αλλαγές από τότε που είχες να κάνεις ενημέρωση (2-3 μήνες όπως είπες) μέχρι και σήμερα.. τότε όλα είναι πιθανά.

    VangelisGi Τα άλλα oscam-emu (παλιότερα ή νεότερα) τι ακριβώς πρόβλημα έχουν;

    nikolakis2009 πάντα σου έκανε κολλήματα το stream relay ή είναι κάτι νέο; Θυμίζω ότι το stream relay είναι μια βαριά διαδικασία και απαιτεί ισχυρό επεξεργαστή. Αν σου κάνουν κολλήματα τα HD στις 0.8W, αλλά τα SD στις 4.8Ε παίζουν κανονικά, μάλλον είναι θέμα επεξεργαστή.

    Μάλλον κρασάρει το skin με τις πρόσφατες αλλαγές στο enigma2.

    EDIT: medousa89 δεν είδα την απάντησή σου... δεν έχω ιδέα ποιες είναι οι αλλαγές που "ενοχλούν" το σκιν και αν είναι πρόσφατες ή όχι. Απλά το υπέθεσα ότι θα είναι κάτι πρόσφατο....


    This is how au works with the old method:

    1. when you tune to a channel, emu gets the srvid.

    2, Then it searches ALL groups that have an ecm key with the same srvid.

    3. Then it gets the emm keys from the groups matched in 2. But not all. It starts adding emm keys until it reaches 32. Then it stops adding any more.

    This can have some drawbacks as they are explained in note 3:

    For example, lets suppose you want to run auto update for afn (9.0E). You tune to a channel from afn with srvid 68. This srvid also exists in the discovery group in 4.8E (I think). This means that the emm keys from these 2 groups (afn and discovery) will be added for au! If you have the discovery group above the afn in your softam.key, then the discovery emm keys will be added first. If they are for example 20 in total, then the final 12 positions will be filled with the emm keys from the afn group. So only the last 12 emm keys are the correct ones, and au has to find ecm keys only using these 12emm keys in practice. If you had 32 emm keys in your discovery group, then all emm keys would have been chosen from it. So, the au will not find any new ecm keys for afn.

    The 2nd problem with the old design is that if the same emm key is present in 2 or more groups. the ecm keys in the wrong group could be updated. Take the previous example. If the same emm key is present in both the afn and the discovery groups, and an emm packet comes for this emm key, then the emu will not know which group's ecm keys to update. It will update the ecm keys in the first group it finds in softcam.key, which will be the discovery ones, the wrong ones.

    These two problems can be avoided, if you have a smaller number of emm keys for each group in your softcam.key and if you make sure that the same emm key is not present in more than 1 group.

    With the new method, these problems do not exist. We match the group from the start, so there is not margin for errors. And we can actually use all 32 emm keys for the correct group for au.

    Both the above messages are not accurate.

    What is changed with the new vs the old method is what emm keys are "selected" when auto updating. Nothing more.

    OSCam-Emu has no way to influence when the provider will send the emm packets. It can only select/choose what emm packets will listen to.

    If one or the other method produces better of worse results for you, it just means that your key configuration in your softcam.key was/is not optimal.

    The only advantage of the new method regrading auto updating is that it is easier for the non expert user to "assemble" a proper softcam.key, without collisions, especially if there are many channel groups inside.

    I think you already got your answer. Most probably, in wetek namespace is not available...