Posts by silverfox0786

    Finally got my Finger out and present Version 1

    please report bugs and other things here

    Release Note

    Here is a brilliant script for installed the full works OScam & CCcam server on an Ubuntu x86 Install

    This package consists of OScam 6180 and CCcam 2.13

    This package is CCcam.x86 and standard smargo cfg and OScamx86 will standard CFG for smargo and pre setup to work as CCCAM, Newcamd and Camd35 servers

    As an added bonus i have also put into the install the option to address and add a fixed ip address to the server and also symlinks so when you ftp into the server you will go to home as standard and will find little symlinks sitting there taking to to logs binarys and configs

    So first things first if not already done so download and install Ubuntu x86 10.10
    get it from here


    for a USB Stick install download pendrive linux from here


    whilst that is downloading/installing you will need to do a few things before you can begin

    you will need to open up in text editor the file then within the linux_softcam_pack folder open and [that's 3 script files]
    at the top ish of the script you will see OWNER=card change card to the username of your system install that is on all 3 script files
    decide on a fixed IP address you want to use keep it in mind
    Now open up folder within linux_softcam_pack called www
    Now open in text editor config.php
    There you will see and IP address 192.168.x.x change the x to the ip address you decided on
    the bottom line you will see a password xxx change that to your liking

    now that's all done you are ready to go. Place the extracted ubuntu_cccam_package folder and the into root/tmp/
    you must log into root via sudo -I as bellow
    open telnet session

    card@ubuntu:~$ sudo -I
    [sudo] password for ubuntu: >fill in your password.<
    root@ubuntu:~# chmod 755 /tmp/
    root@ubuntu:~# /tmp/

    might sound crazy but that's it just let it run

    Say yes to everything and proftpd as standalone

    Set yr IPs here now carefully

    your pc will auto restart once done then that's it all is well you will find all relevant items installed and oscam & cccam running

    plug in yr smargo reader without card and perform in telnet

    card@ubuntu:~$ lsusb

    look for an output similar to this

    Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC


    card@ubuntu:~$ dmesg

    look for an output similar to this

    [   23.529481] usb 2-2: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0

    This means smargo is all working then just configure your config file so it will actually read the card your gonna use

    Now to explain the cronjobs that are added

    CCcam/OScam shuts down at 5:55 AM allowing for the jobs bellow
    The users/peers/server are backed up at 5.56 AM in /var/cccamlogs
    When you want to change the config it can be done ones a day and its automatic at 5:57 AM just place new config file in folder var/config. A backup of your old config will be placed in var/backup
    keyupdate ones a night at 5:58 AM
    Then CCcam starts again at 5:59 AM

    This server checks CCcam every 6 min with a check script, and when it has to restart
    it writes a log named CCcam.check in /var/cccamlog
    and it starts CCcam in debug and writes the a CCcam.log
    This can create big logs that's why there is also a log cleanup script that cleans the logs ones a week. at 06:05 AM

    please do not change any setting or times on the cron tasks they must remain as they are or you will suffer server problems and Oscam/CCcam will be out of sync and will not run correctly a 6 min check interval and a 5 min task cronjob will keep in sync so Oscam/CCCam will check at 5:54 AM At 5:55 AM CCcam will stop Allcronjobs will take place and Oscam/CCcam will restart at 5:59 AM and next check will be at 6:00 AM so the cron job must complete within the check time frame. or it will report as CCcam not working and everything will crash. then a weekly cleanup at 6:05 AM and another check at 6:06 AM

    CCaminfo.php by TooGoody v1.02

    This every one should know what it is and what it does

    To use it open up firefox and type in the IP of your Server the password you set in config.php and away you go you can see all your server details in one swoop

    on any machine on yr local network you can open up any Internet browser and type the IP of your server and you will get the CCcaminfo page open up

    Once this all configured u will never realy have to ever attach it to a keyboard,mouse or monitor...

    SHH/Telnet and ftp will work straight off just use yr machine username and password and if u wanna go one more step then set up remote desktop on Ubuntu and use realVNC to access its DestopGUI :thumbsup:

    the whoknowho scripts wrriten by CC are not fully correct

    i had to re write them from scratch i have them working but they are designed for my PC only

    if you can pm me yr setup like where are your logs where is yr binary etc etc etc then i can write the script to work on yr machine

    the cron tabs i will adjust for you aswell so they are at a convenient time and run all commands

    btw i would advise installing ubuntu 10.10 server x86 thats what im runnign without any probs