Posts by KiddaC

    and what exactly are you showing people?

    1) Your Living Room

    2) Sky atlantic HD on Cable

    3) Sky atlantic HD on IPTV

    4) Or sky atlantic HD on sat.

    5( or just the fact you finally got your box working ;)

    show a picture of the blackpool illuminations airsat logo on the front ;)

    When I was looking this week. These are currently priced at £200 in the UK at the moment.

    This price will obviously drop once the bulk shipments start arriving.

    have your tried turning it off at the wall for 30 minutes before you start faffing.

    Then try flashing a new image or bootloader.

    It works sometimes, especially as some of these have dodgy power packs.

    To be honest mate, there is nothing wrong with going through every menu on your box and learning what each one does. Its highly commendable.

    But these boxes are solid. You cant really break anything by experimenting. So just turn things on and off and see what they do.

    You are asking very basic questions, that within seconds you can find your answers on google.

    Yes we all have to learn somewhere, and people are willing to help. But at least search the net first. If you are then stuck, ask your question.

    I think we are a bit off topic from the original thread here.

    Its always forum etiquacy that you start your own thread for new topics and don't hijack other peoples threads.

    You can find all your answers by searching. Google is your friend.

    But here is a brief summary of the ones I know. But basically you don't need to touch any of the settings in here (maybe turn samba on) unless you are doing something very network specific.

    Device setup - general network setup for wired or wireless connections. When you setup your box it will run you through the network wizard. So this is only used for future network connections problems

    Mounts setup - This is basically used if you have a media server like a NAS drive. So you can connect to it.

    AFP setup - Apple file sharing protocol. Allows your apple device to read the files off your box. (so you don't have to use an FTP program)

    Samba - Same as above but for windows. Allows your windows device to read the files of your box via clicking the network folder on your pc.

    FTP Setup - I presume this just allows you to ftp in your box. Its set to Running and autostart by default. So you don't need to touch it.

    Inadyn Setup - This is used to setup a DynDNS account so you can use your own dns host for the receiver. Only needed if you want a static ip address.

    MiniDNLA Setup - I presume very similar to above. (Don't know to be honest)

    NFS Setup - Similar to Mounts setup for connecting to your media server.

    OpenVPN setup - Used to configure any VPN account you have. To stop big brother snooping ;)

    If I think on tonight, and if no one beats me to it, I will zip up my working openwebif folder.

    And Abu, that is fine if you want just one screen shot, but if your working on a computer in a seperate room to your tv, and are going through the menus to visually see something on screen. Single screenshots are no use.

    Dsayers custom mix plugin has now been skinned in all of my skins. So you do not need to install this skin_user_slyk-onyx.xml to skin this plugin from dsayers.

    I will leave this thread open though, because it highlights the fact that you can mod any of my skins by adding in your modded screens to skin_user_(skin name).xml

    Using that file any of your custom mods do not get overwritten when you update any of my skins.

    If it wasn't for the modding crew when I was creating my skins, they wouldn't look like they do now. So feel free to have a play.

    Your mods might even end up in my skins.

    This is not my skin, and I haven't tried this skin, but this might be your problem.

    Certain versions of Openatv 6.0 had crash on skin error set to yes by default. This maybe the case with some versions of OpenVix.

    This is a stupid option to set to yes, as if you install a skin and there is the slightest of errors in it, your box just goes into an endless boot loop.

    The only way to get out of it, is to ftp into your box and delete the new skin folder. That would live here usr/share/enigma2/(skin)

    On openatv this option lives in system/logs menu. There might be something similar in vix.
    This might not be the case in the above skin it might be another error, but it's worth checking to see if you have this crash on skin error set to yes. (because its the devil)