Posts by KiddaC

    All the site is doing is returning torrent downloads for a particular ip address. Anyone that used, i say used (does anybody really download torrents anymore)... knew downloading torrents left a trace and could be linked to your ip address.

    And if you really need to download torrents, always use a proxy or vpn to download. What ever you are after downloading there is a lot better alternatives than torrents nowadays.

    I personally think that site is a bit dodgy. To test a VPN all you have to do is go onto any of the other hundreds of whats my ip address websites. For example...

    or use a proxy judge

    Test it without your vpn running, test it again once your vpn is running. If its different your vpn is working.

    Rather you than me pauldb.

    Just to add on what aime_jeux has said. is a standard component on openvix and openatv, don't think it comes as standard on openpli.

    Yes you can't use my custom components in this if its to be standalone skin, people would have to specifically install my slyk1hd skin otherwise this skin will crash.


    And as for the colours just look in my slyk1hd skin.xml and use the hex values. i.e #00000000, you cant use named colours like un551a8b, skydarkblue etc.

    That is why you have black jaggies around your text. The backgroundColor needs to be blue. Your current colour values are unrecognised and that is why they are coming out black.

    Config screen, try using font and secondfont to get the config list elements the same size left and right.

    <screen name="MessageBox" ....


    <screen name="MessageBoxSimple" ....

    as found on record button, start recording.

    and once recording has started... try restart your gui.


    if your messagebox screen in your skin uses

    <applet type="onLayoutFinish">self.autoResize()</applet>

    change it to below to be scalable until the image builders update their autoresize functions. ( i think this will work )

    <screen name="ChoiceBox" ....

    if your choicebox screen in your skin uses

    <applet type="onLayoutFinish">self.autoResize()</applet>

    change it to below to be scalable until the image builders update their autoresize functions.

    Inner applet code must be flush to the left in your xml code.


    <applet ...
    from enigma....


    <applet ...
        from enigma....

    New code

    also add in an itemHeight to the ChoiceBox screen.

    <screen name="ChoiceBox" ...

    <widget name="list" ... itemHeight="30" ... />

    then in skin.xml add in the parameter values if they don't already exist by the skin designer.

    for example

    <parameter name="ChoicelistDash" value="x,y,w,h"/>

    <parameter name="ChoicelistName" value="x,y,w,h"/>

    <parameter name="ChoicelistIcon" value="x,y,w,h"/>

    which in one of my skins will be

    <parameter name="ChoicelistDash" value="0,2,800,30"/>

    <parameter name="ChoicelistName" value="45,2,800,30"/>

    <parameter name="ChoicelistIcon" value="10,3,25,25"/>

    A quick way of testing your choice box is to press the record button on live tv.


    Have you possible tried downloading iptv player plugin. Once you run that it updates all the video codecs and relevant files for playing video.

    It might help you... it might be a completely different problem. ;)

    My skins override plugin browsers with parameters in the skin.xml file.

    for example.

    <parameter name="PluginBrowserIcon" value="15,8,150,60" /> <!-- plugins main icon -->

    <parameter name="PluginBrowserName" value="180,5,45" /> <!-- plugins name -->

    <parameter name="PluginBrowserDescr" value="180,42,30" /> <!-- plugins description -->

    <parameter name="PluginBrowserDownloadIcon" value="15,0,90,75" /> <!-- plugins + - boxed icon -->

    <parameter name="PluginBrowserDownloadName" value="120,5,45" /> <!-- plugins download name - see font alias PluginBrowser0 -->

    <parameter name="PluginBrowserDownloadDescr" value="120,42,30" /> <!-- plugins download description -see font alias PluginBrowser1 -->

    So if these parameter values don't exist in the skin your converting you would have to manually add them.

    Skinners should be taking advantage of the parameter values as there purpose is to override the default sizes set in the python components.

    Enigma2 1080 Skin Converter (Version 1.04)


    Welcome to my Enigma2 skin converter.

    Please note, although this program attempts to automate the process as much as possible, some manually tweaks will always be needed.

    Also if upsizing a skin, the graphics are naturally going to look softer and less sharp. Recreate them higher res or ask the skin author. :S

    How to use.

    Install a skin of your choice on your box then via ftp or samba download the skin folder to your computer.

    Select an input folder. Select an optional output folder. Press the convert button of your choice. Note that if you select the same input and output folder this will overwrite all the files, so make sure you are working on a backup folder if this is the case.

    You can manually select which elements you want to convert, but unless your are testing the functionality of the program, it is highly recommended to keep everything selected.

    There is a test checkbox bottom right, that will fill all the converted values to "00000". This makes it easy to see what elements will actually be changed before you do your proper conversion.

    On selecting this test option the program will display an error after the conversion as no valid skin size will be found. This is expected behaviour.

    The program works by looking in skin.xml for the vres value to determine the size of the skin. If this cannot be found then it will ask you to manually select the size of the skin to work with. This means you can convert non standard skin folders that might not live in the same root folder. For example Vix Common folders.

    On manually selecting a size, after the conversion it will again ask you to input the size. (as it reloads the skin when finished) This second message request will be the size after you converted it.

    Finally upload the contents of your converted folder back to your box.


    Let me know if you find any bugs or strange behaviour.

    Also note that this program cannot resize elements that are sized in python components or for skins that are built via plugins or scripts.


    please see additional notes on the following posts to amend paramaters, autoresize() applet, choice and message boxes.


    Not bad for a 1 week project ;)


    Version 1.01

    Fixed center, start, end position offsets.

    Fixed Clock/Record/Zap icons on EPGs.

    Version 1.02

    Added in corrupt PNG message.

    Version 1.03


    Version 1.04

    Removed 4K option. There is no need for it and its confusing people

    Allowed fonts with numbers and hyphens in the name to be included.

    Added in png:n,n used on some old skins for the progress slider.

    Your line provider won't care as long as its not being abused.

    any line in theory can be converted for use in mgcams, cccams or oscams.

    It's just a matter of preference of what softcams software you use.

    Tomorrows lesson. How to put your line into oscams ;)

    Converting a Nline for use in CCcam

    Your nline might come in the following format.



    CWS = 12345 username password 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 # 0000

    To convert for use with CCams remove the top 2 lines and replace the last CWS with N:

    N: 12345 username password 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 # 0000

    Thats usr/keys (but I presume that was a typo)

    and the name of the file is the correct case. It is case sensitive.


    and your format is

    C: port username password


    N: port username password 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    and you created it in a plain text program like notepad or notepad++

    your CCcam.cfg file goes in usr/keys folder

    press yellow button on the above screen. Then select server. And see if you line is shown and is active (green), already used (blue), or inactive (red).

    Also you are on a FTA channel on the above screen shot, so you won't be getting any ECM data.