Posts by lost


    STB: ET9200
    Image: Latest OpenPLI 3.0

    I want to install TSMedia plugin and I have a couple of questions.

    Do I have to use telnet to install it?

    If I do have to use telnet, (will be first time for me) do I hit "enter" after each command, or after both commands?

    According to the installation instructions from the plugin thread(below)

    for oe2.0 and openpli3.0 images

    Once I start the telnet session, do I

    1. Input "opkg update" then "enter" then opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk then "enter" or

    2. Input "opkg update" then "opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk" then "enter"

    Thanks for your help.

    -by update from previous versions
    -From TSpanel/TSmedia
    -by telnet method (important to follow the exact following commands)
    copy ipk file to tmp folder

    for oe1.6 and openpli2.1 images
    opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

    for oe2.0 and openpli3.0 images
    opkg update
    opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk