Posts by Softrix

    Hello, no updates? The project is no longer maintained?

    This is true, project is no longer maintained. Who knows, maybe is dev of plugin busy with some other things in life.

    If you use facebook see what they write there.

    This is the first time in a while since Ive found the time and frame of mind to return to answer some posts.

    Firstly, I don't recall abandoning the project nor have i even wrote that anywhere - such comments spread wrong rumors. Family issues have taken priority and therefore commercial work (and this project) are suffering currently - anyone on the fb group would know this already. I am not prepared to go into detail but I felt it necessary to respond and explain a little why ive not been around.

    I'll be back as soon as I can.


    in +18 plug-in " yourpornsexy " link does not work , When I play videos it gives error , ( not found ) How can I solve this problem ?

    I do not personally work on that content and it is provided my a third party repo - not sure if I can link the repo so you can report it.

    Do you remember this conversation foolsh one? - ive highlighted it for you - I have all the conversation logs before you deleted the facebook page when i highlighted the fact you engineered a leak so you could stop supporting the app. We care, you dont.. leave us to get on and do what you wouldnt.. opensouce... hmm, know what that means?


    Because I said I wouldnt answer to your stupidity on Max's repo you turn to here, how childish are you?

    Just like the repo, this is my only answer.

    Mr.Softrix, thank you for explain about beinmatch and other problems. There will always be a new fixes, they are changing new domains,

    parsers, and it's hard to keep track of it all. Thanks for update Filmovizija, and please can you read my post #138 about

    issue with Sezona1.


    Apologies, I originally read your post wrong and realised the issue the second time around... oops!

    Ive fixed the issue here and everything is working fine (see screenshot):


    If you feel ike tampering you can fix the host yourself until I get an update out tomorrow.

    Open up the and replace the function "listSeasons" with my rewritten one:

    Ive also attached the modified py file for those who dont like a bit of coding :)

    For those who can wait, this will be in the next update which will be tomorrow now - im off out for a much needed few beers.

    beinmatch is hit and miss with feeds, i was testing and watching feeds on that server before release.

    Ive left a few there as a personal reminder for the next fixes - im aware there are more issues in there as i think it wasnt touched for quite some time before i took it on.

    Edit: Ive updated Filmovizija (thanks for the info), it will appear in the next update.

    Wiziwig Wiz1 is working in the latest update alongside other fixes. However, due to the nature of the update and the changes made you will need to re-issue the WGET command to force a full re-install, OR if you are confident enough simply allow the latest update to come through (you should be now version 2019.08.24.01 after the update), ftp into your box and delete cmdwrap, duk and hlsdl files inside the bin folder and reboot box - this will force the plugin to reinstall dependencies.


    στο μου βγαζει αυτο το μηνυμα με image satdreamgr 6 se osmega , osnino, osmini

    Check that you can access the actual website - blocks will cause the crash so check in a normal web browser.

    Glad you like the two new hosts, I'll have a look at fenixsite as soon as I make a bigger dent on the existing issues. :thumbup:

    Take care,


    For dailymotion links, whilst in hoofoot, press on blue button, set the active movie player to gstplayer with buffering instead of auto, but if you dont use a memory stick or hard disk then the unbuffered option would be better.


    Hi guys,

    I installed the plug in. It is great really. I have only one problem. With some enigma images the pics in the plug in isn't shown. It has nothing with the plug in itself but I think it needs some settings in the enigma image itself. Does anyone have a solution?

    Most issues with the thumbs not showing is down to the available space left on your usb / hdd / box cache folder. Also make sure Display Thumbnails is turned on in the configuration - and to clear out quicker than the default three days you could set Remove thumbnails to after closing.


    Openload works on another hosts, but still remain problem with Hosting "" unknown

    on host. This mean that should add parser in urlparser.

    Its been added and tested, and will be in the next update.

    I did a quick debug of the parsing code and it seems Yifi have slighly changed their layout killing the original parsing code.

    In file inside hosts find the line (around line 254):

    data =, 'var posts = {', '};', False)[1]

    and remove the spaces for "'var posts = {" - yifi changed its layout slightly so the parsing fails.. so with the changes you should look like this:

    data =, 'var posts={', '};', False)[1]

    Ive not had time to check everything (so there may be other yifi issues) but played a few movies, did a search etc - openload links fail with an extraction error but thats a global to all hosts issue.
