Posts by slain

    You're missing a couple of Python modules. The script depends on BeautifulSoup and Mechanize. You can install them on Ubuntu by doing:

    sudo apt-get install python-beautifulsoup python-mechanize

    That should be all you need to install outside of the norm. This script was tested with Python 2.7 in an Ubuntu 12.04 environment.

    I've made a tool that I'd like to share with you all. People may already have such scripts, but as far as I'm aware none have been released publicly.

    Basically the tool will scrape for channel information and create a CCcam.channelinfo with up-to-date contents. It's not my intention for this to be used on-receiver, as I'm sure that KoS would not appreciate thousands of extra bot hits every day. The real aim for this is to simplify and automate the creation of CCcam.channelinfo files for sharing with others, ie. via cron on a server to share with peers, friends and your favourite communities (like linuxsat-support). :)

    Basically you generate a default config file, which has entries like the following:

    name = Sly Digital
    enabled = 1
    url =
    cards = 0963:000000

    You can add whatever cards you like, as well as toggle individual packages on or off. Then. whenever the script is run, it will scrape the package from KoS and create a channelinfo file out of it. It can handle multiple configs and can output to any file name you choose, so you can run it multiple times in cron, with different config files and different output files.

    It adds no "spam" credits or comments into the output file, but of course you can feel free to add your own by running it through a shell script if you like.

    Anyway, give it a try and let me know what you think!



    Hi Sandman,

    I'll have a go at automating the conversion of your regular picons to the VFD picons some time this weekend. It should be easily possible to script the lot with a short bash script, that includes a tidy one-liner ImageMagick. I see you're using a Mac, so you can probably get ImageMagick view brew at Homebrew ? MacPorts driving you to drink? Try Homebrew!

    With any luck, that would completely remove the ballache of having to perform conversions ever again.