Posts by digiteng

    v4.0 update

    - various fixes...

    - Fixed bug in "bouquet" selection...

    I guess..because some stbs had this error...

    - Improvements have been made to render files...all epg scans have been removed unnecessarily...

    some files will have 1 scan, some will have around 10 scans..

    - Added support for fontSize="xx" for

    - Added support for fontSizeNow="xx" fontSizeNexts="xx" for

    you can add to skin codes...

    - a general problem with the arabic language for the plugin...

    I did not use the classical method for language support... because to translate the whole plugin..

    I don't know if there is a problem in arabic language because of this...

    Arabic can also be written from right to left...

    no problem with openatv 6.4...

    If those who use the stb language arabic want to use the plugin in english, I can remove the arabic support...

    no problem detected in other languages...

    You can update it via the plugin (yellow button) or telnet code,

    wget -q "--no-check-certificate" -O - | /bin/sh

    Can you please give support for the new xtra Event plugin version such as the IMDB and AlCINEMA data in the information about the events...

    As your skin is still the best as it is...but if you can add the extra informations it will be better than the best...

    Thanks for your efforts

    There is no need for extra changes for elcinema...

    It is enough to activate "extra3" in xtraEvent...

    will download the poster and information on this site first

    It has not been tested because the satellite of the relevant channels is not set for me...

    If the event name on the website and the event name on the channel are compatible, there will be no problem...

    Thank you bro ,

    Using this plugin and ready template make everything easy for every skin designer even for every user to modify his own skin .

    Please change xtra.ttf font used in the plugin , nothing appears until I change the font with another one like arial.ttf .

    The defined font for the plugin is already "arial"...

    xtra.ttf font is for icons only...

    i don't have such a problem

    test this, send,


    The plugin was originally designed for openatv...

    In other images, it may not work with full functionality even if it is the same base...

    but recycles are pretty much fixed over time...


    v3.4 updated...

    - Changes have been made to the location definition...

    - search language stb language changed to on/off...

    if it is off, the default settings are valid...

    - changed....turned into old...

    - added...

    With this file, the background star file becomes active with the imdb value...

    also pixmap is not required to be defined in the skin was added in the plugin...

    in, skin_ChannelSelection-xtra-6.xml

    I don't want to mess with xtraStar anymore...

    Those who have problems, please change their skin codes.

    let them add the new code...v2.0 update 10.2020 ! year has passed...

    new, skin_ChannelSelection-xtra-3.xml


    <ePixmap pixmap="xtra/star_b.png" position="990,278" size="200,20" alphatest="blend" zPosition="2" transparent="1" />
    <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Progress" pixmap="xtra/star.png" position="990,278" size="200,20" alphatest="blend" transparent="1" zPosition="2" backgroundColor="background">
        <convert type="xtraInfo">imdbRatingValue</convert>

    this place is upside down.

    The file "xtraBackdropList" is designed for backdrop only...

    don't change the image path to "poster" won't display properly...

    I'll check the "xtraNextEvents" file for py3...


    first choice should be "xtraBackdropList" and "xtraBackdropList2" files...

    Thanks for your lovely plugin, Great effort and huge development to add

    We wait for it from long time To have it on py3 images

    Can you advice by render for next 3 or 5 event's

    How the line be written for poster , Any similar render for poster as for backdrop

    <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="xtraBackdropList" mode="trio" position="651,517" size="600,150" backgroundColor="background" zPosition="99" />

    You can do it with

    Replace "backdrop" with "poster"...or "banner"

    You can increase the number as you wish.

    but, xtraBackdropList files are more performant...

    I might add to this in future updates...existing problems need to be fixed first...

    plugin v3.1 updated...

    # <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="xtraNextEvents" nextEvent="1" usedImage="backdrop" delayPic="200" position="840,420" size="100,60" zPosition="5" />
    # <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="xtraNextEvents" nextEvent="2" usedImage="backdrop" delayPic="200" position="940,420" size="100,60" zPosition="5" />
    # <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="xtraNextEvents" nextEvent="3" usedImage="backdrop" delayPic="200" position="1040,420" size="100,60" zPosition="5" />
    # <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="xtraNextEvents" nextEvent="4" usedImage="backdrop" delayPic="200" position="1140,420" size="100,60" zPosition="5" />



    <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="xtraBackdropList2" position="980,105" size="920,863" backgroundColor="background" zPosition="99" transparent="1" />






    xtraEvent plugin

    by digiteng



    Poster, background, banner, info support for enigma2 stbs...

    This plugin has been created to get more information and images(poster,background,banner,info...) about events.

    source data are obtained from public websites(tmdb, tvdb, omdb, maze ...).

    this plugin is open source and free...

    Shareable changes can be made by protecting non-commercial and "digiteng" rights...


    It is recommended to use it with a timer.

    It may take a day or two to fully function.

    - choose download location,

    - set timer(2h),

    - Search Next Events(min 5 )

    - select image sources,

    - choose a bouquet,

    - e2 restart...

    The codes for the skin can be found in the render-convert files.

    also sample skinparts are given with xtra skin(Froid skin based)...

    You can edit skins with the OpenSkin-Designer program...

    If you have problems installing with ipk, extract it with 7zip and send it with ftp...


    telnet the code below,

    wget -q "--no-check-certificate" -O - | /bin/sh



    for compression-optimization, as an alternative, tinypng site can be used...I usually use this...

    Hi, the skin installed on openatv 6.4 has a problem, the picons that appear in the infobar are small and do not fit into the whole square why?

    At the time I was designing the skin, I had 400x170 picons...

    the general scale of the picons is different... such as 400x240, 220x132

    so it's set to 220x132...

    the png source files for the skin don't I can't change it...

    Making a new one is a pain...

    Shows just the poster of the current channel in the channel list...

    purpose of downloading multiple posters,

    the next event is that there is no need to download on channel switching...

    You don't need to write multiple codes...

    You can use the xtraEvent plugin for other events in the channel list...

    your file didn't work for me...openpli..

    some stbs don't have language setting in "settings"...

    It is added after choosing the language from the menu settings...


    It's simpler to get the stb language like this...


    the following file priorities,

    language code...language="xx"

    stb language

    tmdb default(en)